■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico

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Index to taxa in beginning with letter 'M'

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This index comprises an alphabetical listing of the taxonomic names of the Tachinidae of America north of Mexico as contained in this online catalogue, as well as the “Excluded Species” named in the Introduction. Unjustified emendations and incorrect spellings are not indexed. Taxon and author names are formatted as follows:
1) Names of subfamilies and tribes are excluded. These are given in the table on the homepage of the catalogue.
2) Valid generic and subgeneric names are written in bold.
3) Valid species and subspecies names are written in regular type.
4) Synonyms, nomina nuda and nomina dubia are written in italic.
5) Parentheses around an author’s name indicate that the present genus and species combination is not the original one.
6) Only valid species and subspecies names are formatted to agree in gender with their respective genera. Species synonyms appear in their original combinations in the catalogue so their endings have not been adjusted for gender agreement in the index.

Abbreviations: A. & W., Aldrich & Webber; B. & B., Brauer & Bergenstamm; R.-D., Robineau-Desvoidy; S. & A., Sabrosky & Arnaud; S. & D., Sabrosky & DeLoach; T. & G., Toma & Guimarães; Tnsd., Townsend (in several places only to conserve space); Wulp, van der Wulp. Abbreviated author names are treated as though they were spelled in full for the purposes of ordering the index.

Select the first letter of the species or genus name from the following row:

Each link below will open a genus webpage. Scroll down the opened page to find a name or search for it using the 'find' or 'search' command in the web browser.

macdunnoughi (Brooks), Graphogaster
macellus (Reinhard), Myiopharus
macquarti T. & G., Leschenaultia
Macquartia R.-D.
macrobrevis O'Hara, Mauromyia
Macromeigenia B. & B.
Macromya R.-D.
macronyx O'Hara, Siphona
macropogon (Bigot), Aldrichomyia
Mactomyia Reinhard
maculata Staeger, Siphona
maculata Wilder, Ptilodexia
maculata (Williston), Epalpus
maculipennis (Aldrich), Micronychia
maculosa Coquillett, unplaced Tachinidae
Madremyia Townsend
magna Brooks, Onychogonia
magnapennis (Johnson), Phasia
magnicornis (Townsend), Paradidyma
major (Bigot), Ptilodexia
major Curran, Wagneria
malacosomae (Curran), Lespesia
malacosomae Sellers, Carcelia
malacosomae (Townsend), Lespesia
malleola (Bigot), Peleteria
maltana Reinhard, Siphosturmia
manca (Greene), Chaetostigmoptera
manducae S. & D., Winthemia
manitoba (Brooks), Panzeria
margella (Reinhard), Tachina
marginalis (A. & W.), Lespesia
marginalis (Curran), Ateloglossa
marginalis Reinhard, Pseudochaeta
marginata (A. & W.), Chrysoexorista
marklini Zetterstedt, Tachina
marmoratus (Townsend), Archytas
Marshamia R.-D.
martini Reinhard, Eleodiphaga
Masiceropsis Townsend
Masiphya B. & B.
Masiphyomyia Reinhard
Masistylum B. & B.
masurius (Walker), Acemya
mathesoni (Curran), Ptilodexia
mathesoni (Reinhard), Nilea
Mauromyia Coquillett
medeola (Reinhard), Zaira
medialis O'Hara, Siphona
mediana Reinhard, Peleteria
medicinensis (Strickland), Drepanoglossa
Medina R.-D.
mediocris Aldrich, Lixophaga
Megaeuloewia Townsend
Megaparia Wulp
Megapariopsis Townsend
Megaprosopus Macquart
Meigenia R.-D.

Meigeniella Coquillett
Meigenielloides Townsend
melalophae (Allen), Lespesia
melampyga (Reinhard), Siphosturmia
melania (Townsend), Paradidyma
melanica (Townsend), Onychogonia
melanocera R.-D., unplaced Tachinidae
melanogaster (Bigot), Billaea
Melanophrys Williston
melanopygatus (Bigot), Xanthoepalpus
Meledonus Aldrich
Meleterus Aldrich
meliceris (Reinhard), Phasia
Melinocera Townsend
melissopodis (Coquillett), Phytomyptera
melitaeae (Coquillett), Siphosturmia
melitarae (Reinhard), Clausicella
mella (Walker), Exorista
mellifrons (Townsend), Oswaldia
melobosis (Walker), Lypha
menapis (Walker), Cryptomeigenia
Menetus Aldrich
mentalis (Coquillett), Chetogena
mentitum Reinhard, Mochlosoma
meracanthae (Greene), Patelloa
meralis Reinhard, Clastoneuriopsis
Mericia R.-D.
meridionalis Townsend, Phasmophaga
mesensis (Townsend), Gnadochaeta
Messiomyia Reinhard
mestor (Walker), Icelia
Metachaeta Coquillett
Metadexia Coquillett
Metadoria B. & B.
metalis (Reinhard), Zelia
metallica (Townsend), Gnadochaeta
Metallicomintho Townsend
metallicus (R.-D.), Archytas
metallifera (Walker), Archytas
Metamyia Arnaud
Metaphyto Coquillett
Metaplagia Coquillett
Metatachina Townsend
Metavoria Townsend
Methypostena Townsend
Metopiops Townsend [Subgenus]
Metopomuscopteryx Townsend
Metopotachina Townsend
mexicana (Aldrich), Vibrissina
mexicana B. & B., Gaediopsis
mexicana (Townsend), Microchaetina
Miamimyia Townsend
michiganensis (Tnsd.), Microphthalma
micida Reinhard, Erynnia
Microchaetina Wulp
Micromintho Townsend
Micronychia B. & B.

Microphthalma Macquart
Microsciasma Townsend
Microsillus Aldrich
militaris (Walsh), Winthemia
Milonius Reinhard
mimela (Reinhard), Prospherysa
Mimologus Reinhard
mimula (Meigen), Exorista
minor (Curran), Oswaldia
minor West, Ptilodexia
Minthozelia Townsend
minuta Brooks, Gymnoclytia
minuta (Townsend), Catharosia
mira (Reinhard), Zelia
mirabilis (Townsend), Cylindromyia
mirabilis (Townsend), Neaera
mirificus (Reinhard), Hypovoria
miscelli (Coquillett), Deopalpus
mitis (Curran), Frontiniella
mitis (Reinhard), Cinochira
Mochlosoma B. & B.
moesta (Wulp), Myiopharus
monohammi (Townsend), Billaea
montana (Coquillett), Freraea
montana (Reinhard), Orthosimyia
montana Reinhard, Winthemia
montana (Smith), Tachinomyia
montana (Townsend), Ormia
montana (Townsend), Tachina
montana (Townsend), Zelia
montana (West), Billaea
montanus Aldrich, Meleterus
monticola (Bigot), Chaetogaedia
monticola Townsend, Gaediopsis
morigera Reinhard, Enrogalia
morinioides (Townsend), Gnadochaeta
morrisoni (Brooks), Phasia
morrisoni (Townsend 1915), Phasia
morrisoni (Townsend 1936), Phasia
morrisoni (Townsend 1938), Phasia
multifaria O'Hara, Siphona
Murdockiana Townsend
muscoides Curran, Cryptomeigenia
Muscopteryx Townsend
mutabilis (Coquillett), Zaira
Myatelemus Reinhard
Myioclonia Reinhard
Myiopharus B. & B.
Myiophasia B. & B.
Myobiopsis Townsend
Myoceropsis Townsend
Myothyriopsis Townsend
myrrhea (B. & B.), Juriniopsis
Mystacella Wulp
Mystacomyia Giglio-Tos
Myxexoristops Townsend

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