■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico

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Index to taxa in beginning with letter 'G'

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This index comprises an alphabetical listing of the taxonomic names of the Tachinidae of America north of Mexico as contained in this online catalogue, as well as the “Excluded Species” named in the Introduction. Unjustified emendations and incorrect spellings are not indexed. Taxon and author names are formatted as follows:
1) Names of subfamilies and tribes are excluded. These are given in the table on the homepage of the catalogue.
2) Valid generic and subgeneric names are written in bold.
3) Valid species and subspecies names are written in regular type.
4) Synonyms, nomina nuda and nomina dubia are written in italic.
5) Parentheses around an author’s name indicate that the present genus and species combination is not the original one.
6) Only valid species and subspecies names are formatted to agree in gender with their respective genera. Species synonyms appear in their original combinations in the catalogue so their endings have not been adjusted for gender agreement in the index.

Abbreviations: A. & W., Aldrich & Webber; B. & B., Brauer & Bergenstamm; R.-D., Robineau-Desvoidy; S. & A., Sabrosky & Arnaud; S. & D., Sabrosky & DeLoach; T. & G., Toma & Guimarães; Tnsd., Townsend (in several places only to conserve space); Wulp, van der Wulp. Abbreviated author names are treated as though they were spelled in full for the purposes of ordering the index.

Select the first letter of the species or genus name from the following row:

Each link below will open a genus webpage. Scroll down the opened page to find a name or search for it using the 'find' or 'search' command in the web browser.

Gaediophana B. & B.
Gaediopsis B. & B.
Galactomyia Townsend [Subgenus]
galerucae (Harris), Celatoria
galerucellae (Villeneuve), Euthelyconychia
garretti Arnaud, Tachina
gelida (Coquillett), Chetogena
geminatus (Reinhard), Deopalpus
genalis (Coquillett), Euhalidaya
genalis (Coquillett), Panzeria
genalis (Townsend), Eulasiona
Genea Rondani
geniculata (De Geer), Siphona
geniculata (Townsend), Clausicella
georgiae (B. & B.), Distichona
georgiae (B. & B.), Zaira
georgiana Townsend, Aphria
georgica (Macquart), Archytas
Germaria R.-D.
Gibsonomyia Curran
gilensis (Townsend), Leskia
gillettei (Townsend), Ateloglossa

Gilvella Mesnil
gilvipes (Coquillett), Anisia
Ginglychaeta Aldrich
Ginglymia Townsend
glabra West, Ateloglossa
glauca (Brooks), Linnaemya
globosa (Townsend), Gnadochaeta
Gnadochaeta Macquart
gnoma O'Hara, Nigrilypha
Goliathocera Townsend
Gonia Meigen
Goniocera B. & B.
Goniochaeta Townsend
Goniocnephalia Townsend
Goniomima Townsend
gonoides Townsend, Eucnephalia
gracilis (Reinhard), Zelia
gracilis Townsend, Phantasiomyia
gracilis (Wiedemann), Zelia
grandicornis (Zetterstedt), Admontia
grandipulvilli Morrison, Gonia
grandis (Brooks), Graphogaster

grandis (Coquillett), Phasia
grandis Reinhard, Prosenoides
Graphogaster Rondani
Gravenhorstia R.-D.
gravipes Wulp, Leucostoma
greenei (Townsend), Oxynops
Gremlinotrophus Reinhard
Grisdalemyia Curran
grisescens (Fallén), Dinera
griseus Brooks, Dolichotarsus
grossa Brooks, Leschenaultia
Guerinia R.-D.
Gueriniopsis Reinhard
Gymnocarcelia Townsend
Gymnocheta R.-D.
Gymnoclytia B. & B.
Gymnoerycia Townsend
Gymnogaster Townsend
Gymnopalpus Townsend [Subgenus]
Gymnophryxe Villeneuve
Gymnosoma Meigen

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