■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico

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Index to taxa in beginning with letter 'Q–R'

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This index comprises an alphabetical listing of the taxonomic names of the Tachinidae of America north of Mexico as contained in this online catalogue, as well as the “Excluded Species” named in the Introduction. Unjustified emendations and incorrect spellings are not indexed. Taxon and author names are formatted as follows:
1) Names of subfamilies and tribes are excluded. These are given in the table on the homepage of the catalogue.
2) Valid generic and subgeneric names are written in bold.
3) Valid species and subspecies names are written in regular type.
4) Synonyms, nomina nuda and nomina dubia are written in italic.
5) Parentheses around an author’s name indicate that the present genus and species combination is not the original one.
6) Only valid species and subspecies names are formatted to agree in gender with their respective genera. Species synonyms appear in their original combinations in the catalogue so their endings have not been adjusted for gender agreement in the index.

Abbreviations: A. & W., Aldrich & Webber; B. & B., Brauer & Bergenstamm; R.-D., Robineau-Desvoidy; S. & A., Sabrosky & Arnaud; S. & D., Sabrosky & DeLoach; T. & G., Toma & Guimarães; Tnsd., Townsend (in several places only to conserve space); Wulp, van der Wulp. Abbreviated author names are treated as though they were spelled in full for the purposes of ordering the index.

Select the first letter of the species or genus name from the following row:

Each link below will open a genus webpage. Scroll down the opened page to find a name or search for it using the 'find' or 'search' command in the web browser.

quadrimaculata (Macquart), Paraporia
quadripustulata (Fabricius), Winthemia
quinteri (Townsend), Medina

radialis O'Hara, Actia
radiata Loew, Trichopoda
radicis (Townsend), Lydella
Ramonda R.-D.
rapae (Smith), Phryxe
rasilis Reinhard, Spathidexia
ravida Reinhard, Nimioglossa
rebaptizata Gosseries, Euexorista
reclinata (A. & W.), Carcelia
regalis Curran, Peleteria
regalis (Reinhard), Megaprosopus
regilla (Reinhard), Frontiniella
regina (West), Ateloglossa
reinhardi (A. & W.), Patelloa
reinhardi Arnaud, Spathidexia
reinhardi Brooks, Gonia
reinhardi Guimarães, Winthemia
reinhardi (Sabrosky), Ormia
reinhardi S. & A., Atactopsis
reinhardi T. & G., Leschenaultia
reinhardi Wood, Paradidyma
Reinhardiana Arnaud
residis (Reinhard), Prodegeeria
retiniae (Coquillett), Lixophaga
retracta Aldrich, Uclesia
retracta Reinhard, Paradidyma
Rhachoepalpus Townsend
Rhachogaster Townsend [Subgenus]
Rhodogyne Meigen
rhoeo (Walker), Drino

Rhynchopeteina Townsend
ricinorum (Townsend), Carcelia
riederi (Reinhard), Dichocera
Rileya B. & B.
Rileyella Townsend
rileyi (Williston), Lespesia
Rileymyia Townsend
rindgei (Reinhard), Campylocheta
robertsonii (Townsend), Genea
robertsonii (Townsend), Neaera
robertsonii (Townsend), Phasia
robinsoni (Townsend), Tachina
robusta Brooks, Dichocera
robusta Brooks, Gonia
robusta (Brooks), Phasia
robusta (Coquillett), Gnadochaeta
robusta (Curran), Ptilodexia
robusta (Reinhard), Pseudochaeta
robusta (Townsend), Strongygaster
robusta Townsend, Tachinomyia
roederi (Williston), Euchaetogyne
Roeseliopsis Townsend
rogalis (Reinhard), Eloceria
rohweri (Townsend), Periscepsia
Rondania R.-D.
rondanii Townsend, Erynniopsis
rostrata (Coquillett), Chaetostigmoptera
rostrata (Coquillett), Siphosturmia
rostrata R.-D., Zelia
rostrata (Tothill), Tachina
rubentis (Coquillett), Eucelatoria
rubentis (Reinhard), Gaediopsis
rubidiapex (Reinhard), Microchaetina
rubifrons (Bigot), Peleteria

rubra (Townsend), Lespesia
rubripes (Aldrich), Uramya
rubripes Sabrosky, Lespesia
rufata (Bigot), Bolomyia
rufescens (Greene), Actia
rufescens (Townsend), Leschenaultia
ruficauda (Brauer), Panzeria
ruficauda (Reinhard), Zelia
ruficauda (Townsend), Spallanzania
ruficauda (Wulp), Copecrypta
ruficeps Aldrich, Microphthalma
ruficornis (Bigot), Billaea
ruficornis (Greene), Phytomyptera
ruficornis (Smith), Allophorocera
ruficornis (Townsend), Gnadochaeta
ruficornis Williston, Gymnocheta
rufifrons (Wulp), Chaetogaedia
rufigena Aldrich, Ursophyto
rufina (Bigot), Zelia
rufipalpis (Bigot), Trafoia
rufipalpis Brooks, Gymnocheta
rufipennis (Macquart), Ptilodexia
rufipes (Brooks), Epalpus
rufiventris Curran, Archytas
rufiventris (Reinhard), Siphosturmia
rufochaeta Curran, Admontia
rufonotata Bigot, unplaced Tachinidae
rufonotata (Bigot), Winthemia
rufopicta (Bigot), Winthemia
rufostomata (Bigot), Exorista
ruralis (Fallén), Voria
rutilans (Fabricius), Billaea
rutilioides (Jaennicke), Paradejeania

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