Undergraduate Award Search

CPA Ontario Scholarships [I0788]

Donor(s):Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Value:1 award of $2,500
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Apply By Letter
Deadline:May 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

Apply by May 15 to the Department of Management Awards Committee at dmawards@uoguelph.ca including: transcript and a 500 word statement. Statement should outline why non-accounting electives will benefit their career in accounting after graduation. Submission should also include an intent to pursue a CPA designation within 2 years of graduation, if applicable.

Students registered in the Accounting major of the Bachelor of Commerce program with a minimum cumulative average of 75% who have completed 15.0 credits including three electives in a non-accounting area.