Tuition Fee Appeal Process - Diploma and Undergraduate Students (Guelph and Ridgetown campuses only)
By registering for courses at the University of Guelph, students agree to pay all assessed tuition and fees as a result of this registration (see the Statement of Financial Responsibility). Students are responsible for the full fee for any courses added to their record, regardless of when in the semester they added them.
There are tuition penalties for dropping courses after the start of classes. The amount that the student is refunded depends on the date that courses were dropped or the student withdrew, as per the refund schedule, and does NOT include refunds for the student health or dental plans. Space in courses is limited, so the refund schedule is in place to reflect the resources used by students before they dropped courses or withdrew. Refunds are based on the student’s actual drop date as recorded in WebAdvisor.
Students who have documented extenuating circumstances and wish to appeal the assessment of tuition fee penalties relating to dropped course(s) or withdrawal from the University, must complete the following steps:
- fill out the online Tuition Fee Appeal form;
- attach official supporting documentation; and
- submit the completed package.
Tuition fee appeals must be filed with Student Financial Services no later than the 20th class day in the subsequent semester of the relevant term. (For example, the 20th class day in the winter semester for a fall semester appeal.)
Cooperative Learning, Special University Fees, Distance Education Resource and miscellaneous fees are not refundable. Compulsory fees are not appealable and follow the refund schedule. Refunds for the student health and dental plan fees are not considered in the tuition appeal. Students have the opportunity to opt out of the dental plan in the Fall, or in their first semester, prior to the payment deadline. The health plan fee is not refundable. If you have questions or concerns about the health and dental plans, please contact the Central Student Association (CSA).
Please review the following information prior to completing and submitting a tuition fee appeal.
Acceptable Reasons
You may submit a tuition fee appeal if you experience an unanticipated*, documented medical/psychological illness or on compassionate grounds such as the death of an immediate family member that causes you to drop courses. Immediate family shall mean: parent; stepparent; documented legal guardian; spouse; common-law spouse (including same-sex partner); child; stepchild; sibling; or stepsibling.
Please ensure that your supporting documentation references the date of the incident or onset of the situation because this will be used to determine the eligible tuition refund date and therefore the amount of the tuition refund entitlement.
*A tuition fee appeal will not be considered if the illness was present before the beginning of the semester.
International applicants whose study permit is denied by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) may be eligible for a refund of their tuition and fees. Read more about how to request a refund on the Refunds webpage; the Tuition Fee Appeal form is not required.
Unacceptable Reasons
Please do not submit an appeal if any of the following examples is the basis of your request for an adjustment. The tuition fee appeal will not be considered.
Not Attending Classes
Simply not attending classes or failing to drop unwanted courses are not sufficient grounds for a tuition fee appeal.
Being Unaware of the University Policies and Regulations
By completing the registration process, you become bound by the policies and regulations of the University of Guelph. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the general information, rules and regulations of the University.
Adding and replacing courses can result in additional charges to your student account.
Being Unaware of the Academic Versus Tuition Drop Deadlines
The deadline to drop courses without academic penalty is the last day of classes; however, the deadline to receive a full or partial tuition refund occurs earlier in the semester, as published in the refund schedule. Dropping a course at the point of zero refund and not being aware of the difference between academic and tuition penalties are insufficient grounds for an appeal.
Being Granted Academic Consideration for a Late Drop
A successful request for academic consideration does not guarantee a successful tuition fee appeal.
Financial Difficulties
The inability to pay your tuition and fees is not grounds for appeal. If you are experiencing financial difficulties with your student account, it is advised that you make an appointment with a Financial Aid Counsellor to discuss the financial resources available to you. In addition, Scholarships, Bursaries and Work Study are opportunities to consider.
Issues Pertaining to Faculty-Related Considerations
Tuition fee appeals will not be reviewed because of concerns with your instructor or the course structure, such as the organization of a course, your grades or conduct of the instructor.
Workload and Time Management Issues
If you've identified that the workload for a course(s) is challenging to balance with other commitments (e.g., work or volunteer commitments) or your overall academic course load, you are still responsible for the fees incurred until the date the course is dropped. This is not grounds for an appeal.
Concerns on Taking Incorrect Courses to Fulfill Program Requirements
Completing your program requires close attention to academic requirements, and we encourage students to work with their Program Counsellor or Faculty Advisors for guidance. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to complete your program requirements as per the details in the Academic Calendar. By completing courses that are not required for your program, you are not eligible for a tuition fee appeal.
How to Submit a Tuition Fee Appeal
- Drop the course(s)* for which you are requesting a credit/refund through WebAdvisor by the last day of classes of the current semester.
- Review the refund schedule to determine the refund that you are eligible for based on the timing of your course drop date in WebAdvisor.
- Complete a Tuition Fee Appeal form if you meet the acceptable grounds for an appeal. Include the following information/documentation with your form:
- A clear explanation of what took place and why a tuition fee appeal is being requested. Describe the impact that the circumstances had on your ability to participate in courses. Please include information about who you interacted with because this is important in understanding the timing of the incident. Documentation not providing this level of detail will not provide support to your appeal.
- Appeals based on medical/psychological grounds require a document from a physician or psychologist indicating the date of onset, severity and duration of your illness, as well as its impact on your ability to participate in courses. Appeals based on compassionate grounds also require documentation, where possible. This may take the form of a police report, a funeral notice, or a letter from a third party (such as a Residence Assistant, religious leader, landlord, or a friend or family member), depending on the circumstances. Documentation provided should support your statement.
- Please do not attach documentation with personal identification numbers, such as a Social Insurance Number (SIN) or health card number. If the documentation crucial for your appeal contains these numbers or other confidential information, ensure that the information is redacted (covered up or fully blurred) prior to submission.
- Questions about the tuition appeal process can be directed to If you have been working with a Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Advisor, we encourage you to reach out to them for assistance.
The Tuition Fee Appeals Committee meets monthly to consider submitted appeals. The decisions of the Tuition Fee Appeals Committee will be final. Given that the refund schedule is already established for cases of course drops and withdrawals, appeals are approved in only exceptional cases.
* If the last day to drop classes has passed (but it is prior to the 20th class day of the subsequent semester), you will need to contact your Program Counsellor to determine if it is still possible to submit a Request for Academic Consideration for a Late Drop.
In cases where a student has registered for courses but failed to make any tuition fee payments or attend any courses in a given semester (normally evidenced by having a 0% final grade in all completed courses in a given semester), the Office of Registrarial Services may, at its sole discretion, administratively drop a student’s courses for the given semester following the completion of the Tuition Fee Appeal process. In cases where an administrative course drop is not appropriate, students will be referred to the Academic Consideration process.
Tuition Refund Value
The tuition refund amounts are only used for appeals that have been approved by the Tuition Fee Appeals Committee. If course(s) are dropped or you withdraw, your tuition charge is effective as of the date of the drop or withdrawal. If an appeal is approved, the tuition refund amount is generally calculated based on the timing of the unanticipated circumstances relative to the partial/full refund deadlines. Approving a tuition fee appeal and pro-rating the fees may or may not result in an adjustment on your financial account. Review your account on WebAdvisor, and if you have any questions, contact Student Financial Services at
If you are receiving financial assistance through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), your OSAP application will be reassessed to reflect the actual number of weeks of study that were completed or the change from full-time to part-time status. Your tuition refund will be sent to OSAP to pay back your OSAP loans/grants.
Other Types of Appeals
For forms related to appeals or bursary and Work Study appeals, please visit the Forms and Documents page.