
Registration Deposit – FALL SEMESTER ONLY, Undergraduate and Diploma Students Only

In order to ensure retention of the courses you select or to be able to add and drop courses for the registering semester, all undergraduate and diploma students are required to pay a minimum, non-refundable registration deposit of $200 by the registration deposit deadline. Your registration deposit will be applied to your student account. All outstanding balances from previous semesters must be paid first or the $200 will be applied to the outstanding balance and will not be considered as a registration deposit. Please review your account on WebAdvisor and consult the preferred payment methods for the registration deposit.

Failure to pay the registration deposit will result in:

  1. Blocked access to course selection for the registering semester.
  2. De-registration (the removal of courses as a result of not meeting payment requirements and deadlines), which will free up spaces in those courses that other students can then select.

Please note: All students must pay the $200 deposit by the registration deadline, regardless of funding sources (e.g., OSAP, bursaries or scholarships).

Where do I see my Registration Deposit?

  • The $200 registration deposit is NOT an additional charge and will NOT appear on your student account as an outstanding balance.
  • If you have an outstanding balance from a previous semester  the $200 payment will be applied to the outstanding balance and NOT applied to the registration deposit.
  • The registration deposit will appear as a payment on your account and reduce the amount owing on your Fall bill.
  • The $200 registration deposit is required to protect you from deregistration (removal from courses) of your Fall semester.
  • If you are deregistered from your courses, you will need to pay the $200 registration deposit before you can reselect your courses. Please note: there is no guarantee that you will get the same schedule or courses.
  • The registration deposit is non-refundable, if you drop/withdraw from the fall semester.
  • Online/bank payments can take 1 to 3 business days to be received on your student account. Payment must be on your account to protect your registration.

International Deposit - NEW International Undergraduate and Diploma Students Only

To further show your commitment to attending the University of Guelph, new international undergraduate and diploma students are required to pay a non-refundable tuition deposit of $2,000 CAD by the deadline indicated on the Dates & Deadlines page. This deposit is only required for your first semester, whether that be the fall, winter or summer semester. Please consult the preferred payment methods for paying your deposit. This deposit is not an additional fee – it will be applied to your tuition balance.

Residence Deposit

Please see the residence fees.