Graduate Award Search

Stoneymeadow Dr. David Holmberg Scholarship [E6014]

Value:1 award every 4th (or 5th) year of up to $172,000 (payable over 9-12 semesters) Year 1 $40,000, Year 2 $42,000, Year 3 $44,000, Year 4 $46,000(if applicable)
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Application for Admission
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

This scholarship was established in honour of Dr. David Holmberg through the estate of a lifelong advocate for animals who believed in the importance of advancing companion animal health. The admission application will be used to identify a recipient. The award is renewable for up to 3 years and a new recipient will be selected every 4th (or 5th) year or as soon as the current recipient is no longer eligible to hold the award (i.e graduated, unsatisfactory academic progress, etc.). Selection will be based on high academic standing at the completion of their DVM program or equivalent Veterinarian degree, and reference recommendations related to the completion of an internship or equivalent.

Veterinarians entering a full-time DVSc program in the Department of Clinical Studies, Ontario Veterinary College. Preference will be given to a student in Small Animal Surgery. If no student qualifies, preference will be given to a DVSc student pursuing companion animal research.