Fall 2019 Undergraduate Tuition (Guelph Campus)

These amounts reflect tuition only.

Compulsory and optional fees will be posted in June.

Canadian Full-Time Undergraduate Students on the Guelph Campus

For Cohorts 2015-2019

Cohort year refers to the academic calendar year for your first admission to the University OR the calendar year for subsequent admission to a new program or readmission to the same program or a new program.


College of Arts
BA: $3,045.46
BAS: $3,045.46
General Studies: $3,045.46
College of Biological Science
B.Sc.: $3,045.46
B.Sc.(Env.): $3,045.46
Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
BA: $3,045.46
B.Comm.: $4,255.26
B.Sc.(Env.): $3,045.46
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
BA: $3,045.46
B.Comp.: $4,255.26
B.Sc.: $3,045.46
B.Eng.: $4,621.96
B.Eng. (Mechanical, Computing & Biomedical): $5,643.04
B.Sc.(Env.): $3,045.46
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
BA: $3,045.46
B.A.Sc.: $3,045.46
B.Comm.: $4,255.26
B.Sc.: $3,045.46
B.Sc.(Env.): $3,045.46
Ontario Agricultural College
BA: $3,045.46
BBRM: $3,045.46
B.Comm.: $4,255.26
BLA: $4,621.96
B.Sc.: $3,045.46
B.Sc.(Agr.): $3,045.46
B.Sc.(Env.): $3,045.46
Diploma - Turfgrass Management: TBA
Ontario Veterinary College
DVM: $4,621.96
Study Abroad Program: $3,045.46

International Full-Time Undergraduate Students on the Guelph Campus

Listed by Cohort

Cohort year refers to the academic calendar year for your first admission to the University OR the calendar year for subsequent admission to a new program or readmission to the same program or a new program.

College Program Tuition: Cohort 2019 Tuition: Cohort 2018 Tuition: Cohort 2017 Tuition: Cohort 2016 Tuition: Cohort 2015
College of Arts BA $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Arts BAS $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Arts General Studies $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Biological Science B.Sc. $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Biological Science B.Sc.(Env.) $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics BA $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics B.Comm. $13,784.95 $13,784.95 $13,784.95 $11,478.08 $10,951.15
Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics B.Sc.(Env.) $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences BA $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences B.Comp. $13,445.28 $13,445.28 $13,445.28 $10,708.50 $10,218.21
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences B.Sc. $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences B.Eng. & B.Eng. (Mechanical, Computing & Biomedical) $16,775.71 $16,775.71 $16,775.71 $13,113.60 $12,508.79
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences B.Sc.(Env.) $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences BA $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences B.A.Sc. $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10116.68 $9,654.58
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences B.Comm. $13,784.95 $13,784.95 $13,784.95 $11,478.08 $10,951.15
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences B.Sc. $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences B.Sc.(Env.) $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Ontario Agricultural College BA $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Ontario Agricultural College BBRM $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Ontario Agricultural College B.Comm. $13,784.95 $13,784.95 $13,784.95 $11,478.08 $10,951.15
Ontario Agricultural College BLA $15,532.05 $15,532.05 $15,532.05 $12,701.86 $12,116.65
Ontario Agricultural College B.Sc. $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Ontario Agricultural College B.Sc.(Agr.) $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Ontario Agricultural College B.Sc.(Env.) $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58
Ontario Agricultural College Diploma - Turfgrass Management $12,238.44 $12,238.44 $12,238.44 $10,777.30 $10,283.74
Ontario Veterinary College DVM $34,773.86 $34,773.86 $34,773.86 $29,771.63 $28,373.58
  Study Abroad Program $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $12,149.93 $10,116.68 $9,654.58