Financial Arrangement Request Forms
What if I am unable to pay my student account in full by the payment deadline?
If you are unable to pay your student account in full by the payment deadline, you need to complete the Financial Arrangement Request Form on the Forms and Documents page before the payment deadline. In preparation for completing this form, you will need to access your Account View on WebAdvisor. You must have no outstanding previous semester balance and you will be required to pay a minimum of 33% of the current semester amount. You will be required to complete the form using the provided payment dates.
Your completed Financial Arrangement Request Form will be assessed, and either approved or denied. There will be a deferral fee charged for this service.
How do I know if my Financial Arrangement Request Form has been approved?
To determine whether your Financial Arrangement Request form has been approved, once your minimum payment is submitted, please check on WebAdvisor, under Account View. If your Financial Arrangement Request form has been approved, you will receive a notification in Account View – it will be located in the top, right-hand corner beside the Help button.
Financial Outstanding Balance
Why do I have an outstanding balance? What is the charge?
If you have an outstanding balance, you will see the amount reflected on your Account View under Amount Overdue in WebAdvisor. If you are unclear about the reason for the amount owing, please contact Student Financial Services at
Financial Sanction
Why am I still on financial sanction even though I have paid?
If you are still on financial sanction even though you have paid, please view your student account on WebAdvisor, under Account View. Be sure that your Amount Due and your Amount Overdue are zero. If they are not, you need to pay both those balances. If they are paid, you need to contact Student Financial Services at Please note that, if you are paying through internet banking, it takes 3 to 5 business days for your payment to be processed. Once we have received the payment, it will take an additional 24 hours for the financial sanction to be cleared.
I have a credit on my account. When and where can I expect to receive my refund?
Please refer to the Refunds webpage for step-by-step instructions for receiving refunds, overpayments and awards from Student Financial Services. Domestic refunds are issued through Interac e-Transfer.
Registration Deposit
Who needs to pay the registration deposit?
Undergraduate students must pay the $500 deposit by the registration deadline, regardless of funding sources, e.g. OSAP or scholarships. (Sponsored students are exempt.)
If your account has a previous balance, the $500 will automatically be applied to the outstanding balance and will not be considered as a registration deposit. To determine whether you have an outstanding account balance, please check on WebAdvisor, under Account View. You must pay this balance plus the registration deposit by the registration deadline.
New international students who paid the $2,000 international deposit are not required to pay the $500 registration deposit.
How do I know if my registration deposit has been received?
To determine if your registration deposit has been received, please check on WebAdvisor, under Account View. Click on the semester on the left, and look under Payments for all of the details.
Residence Deposit Payments
How do I know if my residence deposit has been received?
The residence deposit is paid in the Housing Portal as part of the residence application process using a credit card.
Student Account Payments
What is the (semester) payment deadline?
Payment deadlines are posted on our website as well as on your Account View in WebAdvisor
When I make a payment through internet or telephone banking, what information is needed to make the payment?
When making a payment through internet or telephone banking to your student account, the following information is required:
Payee: University of Guelph - Student Fees
Account: Your 7 digit student ID number (if your student ID number is 6 digits, add a zero to the beginning of the number)
Amount: Payment amount
Why can't I see my internet or telephone bank payment on my student account?
An electronic bank payment takes 2-3 business days from when payment is made until payment is received and reflected on your student account. If you have paid through a credit union, this process can take 4 to 5 days.
How do I know if my payment has been received?
To determine if your payment has been received, log onto WebAdvisor, go to Account View, click on the appropriate semester on the left, and look under Payments.
Can I pay my student account using a credit card?
No, you cannot use a credit card to pay your student account if you are a University of Guelph student. View acceptable methods of payment.
How do I obtain a copy of my T2202 -Tuition and Enrolment Certificate?
Please check on WebAdvisor, under Tax Information, in late February.
Tuition Receipt
How do I obtain a tuition receipt?
We do not provide receipts for tuition paid. However, you can print a statement of your account from WebAdvisor, by selecting Account View. If you require your statement to bear the official University of Guelph stamp, bring it to Student Financial Services (in the Lincoln Alexander Student Service Centre) on the 3rd level of the University Centre to be stamped. You will need to print a statement for each term that you require.
How do I navigate the Financial Information section on WebAdvisor?
Please consult our video tutorial for a walk-through of all the pages in the Financial Information section on WebAdvisor.