Sponsor’s Role
Sponsoring Agencies must provide a letter to Student Financial Services. Please see contact information below.
This letter must include the following:
- student's name and I. D. number
- duration of sponsorship
- items agency will cover (e.g., tuition, compulsory student fees, residence, meal, UHIP, etc.)
- contact name, address and phone number
- complete name and address of agency
Sponsorship letters should be received at least two weeks prior to the payment deadline date, except in the fall semester. In the fall semester we recommend sponsorship letters be received in our office by the end of May. If sponsorship letters are received before the registration deposit deadline date, students are not required to pay the $500.00 registration deposit. If sponsorship letters are not received prior to students registering, students will be required to pay the $500 registration deposit prior to registration. The deposit can be refunded to the student after the invoices are processed in the fall semester.
Sponsoring Agencies are required to update the University if the contact information changes.
University Contact Information
Email: accquest@uoguelph.caMail: 50 Stone Road East, Student Financial Services, 3rd Floor, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Fax: 519-823-9421
Note: Email is the preferred method to receive sponsorship letters. When a letter is received by email, a confirmation email will be sent to the sponsor.
Student’s Role
Students must complete the "Release of Financial Information" (under "Financial Information") and "Release of Academic Information" (under "Academics") on WebAdvisor. This provides the University the required permission to answer inquiries from a sponsor regarding the student’s financial and academic information.
Upon receipt of the sponsorship letter and provided the student is registered in the semester, the invoice will be prepared. A credit will be applied to the student’s WebAdvisor account which indicates the sponsorship letter has been received and provides current account balance information to the student, in the event the sponsor is not paying the full tuition and fees.
Individual invoices are emailed to sponsors at the end of the first month of the semester (e.g., Fall invoices issued end of September). Issuing the invoices after the payment deadline date allows the students to change their registration and prevents invoice adjustments to the sponsor.
Sponsors are required to pay the invoice within 30 days. Payments should include the invoice number for each invoice being paid. Please mail to: 50 Stone Road East, Treasury Operations, 4th Floor, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1. If you wish to set up EFT payment, please contact Treasury Operations via email: treasury@uoguelph.ca.
Credits from dropped courses or withdrawals will be credited to a future invoice or refunded back to the sponsor, if the student will no longer be registered or is not eligible for future sponsorship.