Summer 2022 Tuition and Fees for Canadian Non-Degree Graduate Students on the Guelph Campus

Tuition and Fees

Fees for Meal Plans, Residence, and Parking are not included.

Please click on this document for a detailed breakdown of tuition and fees:

Tuition and Fees for Canadian Non-Degree Graduate Students on the Guelph Campus (Summer 2022)


To find the tuition and fees for your cohort year, use the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet includes cohorts 2018 to 2022. For earlier cohorts, please check Account View on WebAdvisor. Cohort year refers to the academic calendar year for your first admission to the University OR the calendar year for subsequent admission to a new program or readmission to the same program or a new program.

Additional program-specific fees may apply.

Compulsory Fees

Descriptions of compulsory fees are available.

Full-Time Non-Degree: University and Student Organization Fees

Type of fee Amount
Academic Support Library $12.48
Acad Support Student Experience $16.25
Financial Aid Services $8.53
Mental Health Services Fee $20.42
Career Services $6.68
Bus Pass $151.00
Graduate Student Association $37.53
Canada Federation of Students $4.96
Ontario Federation of Students $4.13
GSA bursary fund $3.35

Full-time non-degree students are not included in the Health and Dental plans.

Part-Time Non-Degree: University and Student Organization Fees

Type of fee Amount
Academic Support Library $3.74
Acad Support Student Experience $4.88
Financial Aid Services $2.56
Mental Health Services Fee $6.13
Career Services $2.00
Bus Pass $151.00
Graduate Student Association $37.53
Canada Federation of Students $4.96
Ontario Federation of Students $4.13
GSA bursary fund $3.35

Part-time non-degree students are not included in the Health and Dental plans.



"The University reserves the right to make changes in the published schedule of fees and payment dates and also to assess charges, which are not included in the schedule of fees, for course material and/or transportation provided at University expense." (Please see the Graduate Calendar)