What course load do I need to take to be eligible for OSAP in the Summer?
You are eligible to apply for full-time OSAP assistance if you are enrolled in at least 60% of a full course load (i.e., 1.5 credits), or 40% of a full course load (i.e., 1.0 credits) if you are a student with a permanent disability or a persistent or prolonged disability, as indicated on your OSAP profile.
Part-time OSAP is available to undergraduate students who take less than 60% (i.e., 1.5 credits) of a full course load or graduate students who register as part-time students. Students with a permanent disability or a persistent or prolonged disability who are taking 40 – 59% of a full course load (i.e., 1.0 – 1.25 credits) have the choice of receiving full- or part-time OSAP. Please note students who are on part-time OSAP are not eligible to apply for bursaries or need-based scholarships though the University of Guelph.
Do not count the co-op work term credit in your course load calculations.
How do I apply for Summer 2025 OSAP?
If you have a completed OSAP application for fall and/or winter, you can apply for Summer 2025 OSAP using the Summer Extension form.
If you do not have a completed OSAP application for fall and/or winter, you can apply for OSAP online by logging into your OSAP account. When the application asks for your program, type in the word “summer” and select your program or degree from the generated list.
For part-time OSAP, you can apply online by logging into your OSAP account and submitting a part-time OSAP application.
Can I apply for OSAP if I am only enrolled in a co-op work term in Summer 2025?
Yes, if you are only enrolling in the work term (and not taking any additional courses), you can apply for full-time OSAP. If you already have a completed OSAP application for fall and/or winter, you can apply for Summer 2025 OSAP using the Summer Extension form. You will need to indicate “Co-op Work Term only” where it asks for your summer courses.
If you do not have a completed OSAP application for fall and/or winter, you can apply for OSAP online by logging into your OSAP account. When the application asks for your program, type in the word “work term” and select the option that includes summer.
What is the deadline to apply for OSAP for Summer 2025?
The deadline to submit the OSAP Summer Extension form is July 4, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. If you are only taking 6-week courses, the deadline is May 18, 2025.
What if I am studying full-time in the Summer but don’t wish to apply for OSAP?
You can apply to keep your previous loans in interest-free status by submitting a Continuation of Interest-Free Status application. This application can be found on your OSAP account after you log in.
How can I submit my OSAP supporting documentation?
We encourage submitting your OSAP documentation directly through your OSAP account online. You can upload documents from the “Print/upload” page. If you have other documents such as reviews or appeals, look for the link that says “Click here if you have other (optional) documents to upload”. This will take you to the “optional uploads” page where you can submit application updates or review documents.
You can also email documents to finaid@uoguelph.ca. Please use your U of G email and include your student ID in the email. We appreciate you sending documents as .pdf format when possible.