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MSc Thesis Defence - Padraic O'Brien

Rural Planning and Development  MSc Thesis Defense by Padraic O’Brien Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:00 P.M. Landscape Architecture Room 133 Thesis Title:  Planning and Social Movements:  A Comparison of Venezuela’s CRBZ and Brazils’ MST Examination Committee: John Devlin, Advisor Lisa Kowalchuk, Anthropology, Committee Member Helen Hambly Odame, Chair of Exam All are welcome to attend.

MSc Thesis Defence - Aleisha Cherrie Apang

Capacity Development & Extension MSc Thesis Defense by Aleisha Cherrie Apang "An Ounce of Prevention:  Understanding the Barriers and Motivations to HIV Testing among Women in Trinidad and Tobago". Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:30 P.M. Landscape Architecture, Room 133 Examination Committee: Helen Hambly, Advisor Nancy Muturi, Advisory Committee Member Glen Filson, Chair of Exam All are welcome to attend.  

MLA Thesis Defence - Kathleen Corey

Landscape Architecture - MLA Master's Examination The final examination for Kathleen Corey will be held on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 3:00 pm in Room 125 of the Landscape Architecture building. The thesis is "Making Space for Parklets in Vancouver". Advisor:  Nathan Perkins Advisory Committee Members:  Karen Landman and Paul Krueger Chair of Exam:  Lise Burcher All welcome to attend.

MLA Thesis Defence - Benjamin Vander Veen

Landscape Architecture - MLA Master's Examination The final examination for Benjamin Vander Veen will be held on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 1:00 pm in Room 143 of the Landscape Architecture building. The thesis is "An Interactive Plant List Mode for Bio-Rentention Facilities:  Using the HPM to Predict Preferred Plant Species". Advisor:  Karen Landman Advisory Committee Member:  Robert Corry Chair of Exam:  Sean Kelly All welcome to attend.

MLA Thesis Defence - Zenan Zhang

Landscape Architecture - MLA Master's Examination The final examination for Zenan Zhang will be held on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 10:00 am in Room 143 of the Landscape Architecture building. The thesis is "Landscape Infrastructure as a Catalyst in Urban Design:  A Case Study Exploration of the West Donlands, Toronto". Advisor:  Lise Burcher Advisory Committee Member:  Cecelia Paine Chair of Exam:  Sean Kelly All welcome to attend.

MSc Thesis Defence - Akpene Afenyadu

Capacity Development & Extension - MSc Thesis Defense by Akpene Afenyadu Thursday, May 1, 2014 12:00 noon Landscape Architecture Building, Room 133 Title:  “Informal Golden Years:  A Study of Petty Traders in Ghana to Identify Barriers to Participation in ISF Pension Scheme” Examination Committee: Al Lauzon, Advisor Helen Hambly, Committee Member Nathan Perkins, Chair of Exam All are welcome to attend.

PhD Qualifying Exam - Christy Hempel

Ph.D. in Rural Studies - Qualifying Exam by Anna (Christy) Hempel Thursday, May 1, 2014 10:00 a.m. Landscape Architecture Room 143 Title:  “Planning in the Face of Renewable Power:  Exploring Diverse Visions of Working Rural Landscapes” Examination Committee: Al Lauzon, Chair Karen Landman, Advisor John Devlin, Committee Member John FitzGibbon, SEDRD, Examination Committee Member Robert Feagan, Laurier University (Brantford), Examination Committee Member All are welcome to attend

MSc Thesis Defence - Mollie Kuchma

Rural Planning & Development - MSc Thesis Defense by Mollie Kuchma Wednesday, April 30, 2014 2:00 pm Landscape Architecture Building, Room 143 Title:  “Recommendations for Shoreline Development & Management within the Areas of Inferference Adjacent to the Lake Huron Bluff Hazard in the Maitland Valley Watershed, Huron County”. Examination Committee: John FitzGibbon, Advisor Wayne Caldwell, Committee Member Nathan Perkins, Chair of Exam All are welcome to attend. 

MLA Thesis Defence - Elizabeth Nowatschin

Landscape Architecture - MLA Master's Examination The final examination for Elizabeth Nowatschin will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 10:00 am in Room 143 of the Landscape Architecture building. The thesis is "Educational Food Landscapes:  Developing Design Guidelines for School Gardens". Advisor:  Karen Landman Advisory Committee Member:  Erin Nelson Chair of Exam:  Lise Burcher All welcome to attend.  

Ph.D. Thesis Defence - Kenneth Mensah

Ph.D. in Rural Studies – Thesis Defense by Kenneth Mensah Monday, April 28, 2014 2:00 P.M. Landscape Architecture Bldg., Room 143 TITLE:  “Linking Precaution to Adaptive Co-Management to Adapt Rural Water Resources to Climate Change in Ghana” Examination Committee: Al Lauzon, Chair John FitzGibbon, Advisor John FitzSimons, Committee Member Mark Seasons, University of Waterloo (External examiner) Khosrow Farahbakhsh, School of Engineering (Internal examiner)

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