Past Events

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Ph.D. Thesis Defence - Silvia Sarapura

Ph.D. Rural Studies -  Thesis Defence Silvia Sarapura "Gender and Agricultural Innovation in Peasant Production of Native Potatoes in the Central Andes" Friday, March 22, 2013 2:00 pm Landscape Architecture, Room 143  

M.Sc. Thesis Defence - Dana Bell

Rural Planning and Development M.Sc. Thesis Defence of Dana Bell "The Business of Going Green:  Agri-Environmental Certifications in Ontario.  A Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis" Friday, March 22, 2012 9:00 am LA Room 127  

Built Form and Public Health: Enabling Health by Design

Dan Leeming, Guest Lecture   Wednesday, March 20, 2013 12:00 noon Room 125 Landscape Architecture Building Sponsored by the Ontario Associate of Landscape Architects Pizza provided for attendees Dan Leeming is a planner and principal of the Planning Partnership in Toronto.  Dan is advising Peel Region departments of Public Health and Planning on planning policies that will provide greater opportunity for active living.

M.Sc. Thesis Defence - Dingfei Li

Capacity Development & Extension Program - MSc Thesis Defense   Dingfei Li "The Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's) on Farming in Miyun County, China" March 18, 2013 2:00 P.M. Landscape Architecture Bldg., Room 133

More Urban and More Green: Cities Hold the Key

Guest Lecture:  Ken Greenberg, Greenberg Consultants, Toronto, will present: More Urban and More Green: Cities Hold the Key Pizza at 11:45: Presentation starts at 12:00 pm Sponsored by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Ken Greenberg was one of 40 participant in the recent Ontario Place design charrette, an event organized to demonstrate  alternatives to casino development on this site.

Test event

Test event.

New Year's Day

Happy New Year!

Capacity Building Event

Gabe Ferrazzi will speak about Capacity Building undertaken by Multi-Donor Trust Fund in post-disaster Aceh and Nias.  Please see poster for more details.

Events Archive