
PhD Candidate Ashleigh Weeden starts 2022 with a spate of publications addressing key challenges in contemporary rural development policy and practice

The first half of 2022 has seen a number of publications by Rural Studies PhD Candidate Ashleigh Weeden. These research contributions cover a range of current challenges facing rural communities written largely through the lens of exploring what “the right to be rural” means for contemporary rural development and policy. From explorations of pandemic-driven displacements to the challenges of modeling rural connectivity policies, Ashleigh has worked with colleagues across the province and across Canada to produce the following publications:

Interview with BLA student, Emma Cervinka

Emma Cervinka, a third year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture student, was recently interviewed for the Ontario Agricultural College Q&A article and discussed her experience in the landscape architecture program and the takeaways from the paid experiential learning through the course LARC*4620 Internship in Landscape Architecture, where she worked at Proslide Technology Inc, a waterslide and waterpark design company based in Ottawa, Ontario.  Learn more in the article entitled

The Impact of Worker Housing Location on Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program Participants

On March 26, 2022, Louis Helps, a PhD student in the Rural Studies program, presented at the 24th Metropolis Conference – Reopening Canada: Looking to the Future of Immigration, Settlement, and Integration in Vancouver. Metropolis is the largest national annual event gathering people from across academia, government, and the private and non-profit sectors to discuss issues pertaining to Canadian immigration.

People holding hands in front of "OneCanada" design installation at Woodbine Beach

BLA students’ “OneCanada” Winter Stations installation symbolizes a collective responsibility for preserving Indigenous traditional knowledge

Congratulations to the “OneCanada” team of several second year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students who designed and installed their winning submission for the 2022 Winter Stations International Design Competition.  Six installations were unveiled on February 22nd, 2022 and will remain on view at Woodbine Beach until April 8th, 2022.

Q&A with BLA alumnus, Emil Kovacevic

Meet Emil Kovacevic, a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree program. He was interviewed for the Ontario Agricultural College Q&A article and discussed his role in the landscape architecture profession and his experience at the University of Guelph. Emil works for thinc design, a small creative landscape architecture, urban and regional design firm in Toronto, Ontario.

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