
Take a Break Tuesday: 5-Day Workplace Wellness Reset

Day 2: Take a Break Tuesday 

It is important to take breaks to help us re-energize throughout the day. Research shows it’s important to disconnect throughout the day to help you feel more positive. These breaks can either be used to give your mind a rest, so that you are less likely to burn out, or to make sure that you are re-energizing your body. We are all staying indoors now, so the risk of working too long without a break or sitting too long without any movement are even greater!

Earth Day and Environmental Wellness

Thursday, April 22nd is Earth Day, the perfect time to both celebrate the planet we share and reflect on our relationship with the environment. While you likely don’t need me to tell you about the benefits of going outside and taking a walk or roll to break up your work day, soak up some sunshine, and get your body moving, I did want to share some tips and tricks for working towards environmental wellness.

March 2021 Wellness Calendar

Winter, and the cold and darkness that comes with it, can be difficult for many people.  Winter during a pandemic provides additional challenges, such as sadness, nostalgia about life before COVID-19, uncertainty, and fear of loss, illness, and medical facilities. If you find you are experiencing changes in your mood, you are not alone.

University Wellness Supports

March Challenge: Paint Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables

Regularly eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is an important part of healthy eating.  During March Nutrition Month, participate in four Paint Your Plate With Fruits and Vegetables mini-challenges.

Challenge #1. Give them a try.  Try one new vegetable or fruit or try a vegetable or fruit on your dislike list again.

Challenge #2. Snack attack. Have a vegetable or fruit as a snack.

February 2021 Wellness Calendar

Explore the February Wellness@Work calendar for upcoming events and opportunities, including:

  • Movement Mondays-  Join a 30-minute light, low impact movement and stretch break.
  • Parenting and Social Media Discussion with Dr. Candice Odgers, a renowned research professor from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. 
  • The Impact of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity on Well-being at Work 
  • COVID-19: What's New with Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos 
  • and more! 

Join the 28 Day Gratitude Challenge

Each day in February, commit to your own gratitude practice. 

Below are a few ideas for inspiration. Pick one strategy that works best for you or try out different practices throughout the month:

January 2021 Wellness Calendar

See attached the full January 2021 Wellness@Work calendar for upcoming events and opportunities. 

31 Day January Wellness Challenge

Participate in the attached 31 day January Wellness Challenge.

Look on the calendar each day for a small actionable step you can take to boost your mood. Complete as many activities as you like and cross them off on the challenge card.

Fill out your contact information and submit to by February 5, 2021 for your chance to win a prize.

Dry January: Take a break from alcohol use

Dry January is an option annual event that some people take part in by avoiding the consumption of any alcohol for the entire month of January.  Some do it for health reasons, to improve their sleep patterns, to save money, or simply to take a break after increased drinking over the holidays.

Below are a few tips on how you can tell people you aren't drinking:

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