Exploring the Psychology of Well-Being

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Posted on Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

Written by Sarah Joosse, Wellness@Work Coordinator

During October's Healthy Workplace Month, a panel discussion was hosted with three renowned psychologists from the University of Guelph’s Centre for Workers’ Health and Well-Being, who shared tips and strategies for individuals to improve their personal well-being inside and outside of their office walls.

Watch a video recording of this session on YouTube here. 

Panel questions included: 

  • How would each of you define well-being?
  • What are the top three factors that feed into well-being at work?
  • How might these vary according to individual circumstances? (e.g., individuals at work, individuals’ interactions at work, workplace structures and dynamics, groups that people belong to, etc.)
  • What are some false beliefs (or erroneous strategies) that people often think will improve their personal well-being?
  • What do we need to focus on in order to enact positive change for our own well-being?

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