CBS Phytotron User fees (effective August 1, 2024)*

General Fee Structure by Area (U of G users)

Structure Price (CAD$) / sq ft / day Price (CAD$) / m2 / day
Greenhouse $ 0.043 $ 0.45
Growth Room $ 0.074 $ 0.80
Growth Chamber $ 0.177 $ 1.94
Outdoor Nursery $ 0.029 $ 0.31

* Please contact Phytotron staff for external user rates

General Fee Structure by Unit

Structure Price (CAD$)
Large greenhouse bench (95 ft2/8.8 m2) $ 4.02/ day
Small greenhouse bench (66 ft2/6.1 m2) $ 2.80 / day
GR192 growth room (192 ft2/17.8 m2) $ 14.34 / day
GR64 growth room (64 ft2/5.9 m2) $ 4.78 / day
GR64 Tissue Culture Room (105 ft2/9.75 m2) $ 7.84 / day
PGV36 growth chamber (36 ft2/3.3 m2) $ 6.40 / day
PGC20 growth chamber (20 ft2/1.9 m2) $ 3.56 / day
E15 growth chamber (15 ft2/1.4 m2) $ 2.67 / day
E8 growth chamber (8 ft2/0.7 m2) $ 1.43 / day
Percival Incubator (4 shelves @ 4 ft2/shelf or 0.4m2/shelf) $ 1.19 / day
Low temperature incubator (no lighting) $0.65 / day
Outdoor Nursery Small bench (64 ft2/5.9 m2) $ 1.83 / day
Outdoor Nursery Large bench (96 ft2/8.9 m2) $ 2.76 / day
Watering service (weekends/holidays) $21.64/hr, min. 1/2hr charge
Additive CO2 (>500 ppm) GR192x $42.44 / month
Additive CO2 (>500 ppm) PGV36 $8.49 / month
Additive CO2 (>500 ppm) PGC20 $5.30 / month

*Please contact Phytotron staff for external user rates

xAs of September 2020, only one GR192 has additive CO2; but, other GR192 and the GR64 rooms can be retrofit to add CO2 control.