Showcasing the success of Partnership programs and research

Crop Rotation Counts: Key Findings from Long-Term Rotation Plot Research

It can take time to understand trends and see results. That’s where long-term research at Ontario’s agricultural research stations comes in. For decades, long-term trials at the Elora Research Station and Ridgetown Campus have generated evidence farmers can be confident in using to make decisions related to crop rotation, tillage systems and nitrogen management.

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Skills for Research Impact - Event Planning and Facilitation

Getting your stakeholders into the room is important, but you also need to know what to do with them!

Build a checklist of event planning essentials and discuss best practices in group facilitation with Muriel O'Doherty from the Arrell Food Institute. The session is one of nine in the Skills for Research Impact monthly workshop series for faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research.

Cover of the 2016 Agri-food yearbook. Shows hands holding 4 potatoes with the title Making an Impact

Research Communicators Bring Home Gold

The 2016 Agri-Food Yearbook Making an Impact, highlighting the OMAFRA-U of G Agreement, won the gold award in the category for general periodicals from the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation.

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