
U of G Food Scientist Named Officer of Order of Canada

A long-time food scientist at the University of Guelph whose discoveries in everything from trans fats to chocolate have helped improve human health and agri-food sustainability has been awarded one of Canada’s highest honours.

Long-term Ontario studies show value of cover crops

In this Farmtario article, Dr. Laura Van Eerd, a professor of sustainable soil management at the Ridgetown campus, discusses how her long-term studies are showing the value of cover crops and boosting soil organic matter.

Reduced fertilizer emissions possible through incentives

Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle, a professor in the University’s School of Environmental Sciences, discusses how 4R fertilizer management (right source, right time, right rate and right placement) can have positive environmental impacts.

U of G Researchers Are Committed to Reducing Global Methane Emissions

A University of Guelph-led, international project intends to reduce climate-warming methane emissions from dairy cattle – a key issue following adoption of a global methane-reduction pledge at this month’s United Nations climate change conference.

Dr. Marialisa Laurella stands in her clinic while looking through a microscope. An icon banner at the bottom says Ontario Agri-Food Innovation research, 2020-21 agri-food yearbook.

Small-town clinic offers big-time experiences

Leaving the city behind to start your career in small-town northern Ontario might seem like a path less travelled. But for Dr. Marialisa Laurella — a 2011 Ontario Veterinary College graduate — the North is exactly where she wanted to be.

She says the decision to move north was driven by the opportunity to hone her skills while tackling a wide range of challenging small- and large-animal cases.

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