Amanda Boetzkes

Amanda Boetzkes is Research Leadership Chair and Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory. Her research, lectures and critical writing are concerned with the relationship between perception and representation, theories of consciousness, and ecology. She has analyzed the complex expressions and interpretations that comprise ecosystems (the human and more-than-human sites of aesthetic exchange) focusing on patterns of human waste, the global energy economy, necropolitics, extinction, and decolonial acts. She is the author of Plastic Capitalism: Contemporary Art and the Drive to Waste (MIT Press, 2019), The Ethics of Earth Art (University of Minnesota Press, 2010), and a forthcoming book titled Ecologicity: Vision and the Planetarity of Art. Edited books include Art’s Realism in the Post-Truth Era (Refractions Series, Edinburgh University Press, 2024), Artworks for Jellyfish (And Other Others) (Noxious Sector, 2022), and Heidegger and the Work of Art History (Routledge, 2014). She has published in the journals South Atlantic Quarterly; Afterimage; Postmodern Culture; E-flux; La Furia Umana and Stasis among others. Recent book chapters appear in Contemporanea: A Glossary for the 21st Century (MIT Press, 2024); Grey on Grey: At the Threshold of Philosophy and Art (Edinburgh, 2023); Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions (Punctum, 2023) ; Nervous Systems: Art, Systems, and Politics Since the 1960s (Duke, 2022); and Climate Realism: The Aesthetics of Weather and Atmosphere in the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2021). Her current project, At The Moraine, considers modes of visualizing environments with a special focus on Indigenous territories of the circumpolar North.