B.S.L. Georgetown University
(Bachelor of Science in Languages & Linguistics)
M.S.L Georgetown University
(Master of Science in Languages & Linguistics)
Ph.D. Université Laval
Field of specialization
Linguistique appliquée:le français langue seconde
Apprentissage de la langue assisté par la technologie
Enseignement de la langue assisté par ordinateur
Enseignement/apprentissage des langues sur Internet
“Developing L2 Written Fluency using Computer-Mediated Communication” L2 Writing in a Computer Environment: Transatlantic Perspectives. J. Bisaillon and E. Broady, Éds., London: Current Issues in University Teaching series/Association of French Language Studies/Centre for Information on Language Teaching Research, 2000, 41.
“The Shape of Computer-Mediated Communication” Call: Media, Designs and Applications. K. Cameron, Éd., Lisse (Netherlands): Swets & Zeitlinger, 1999, 13-34.
“Interactivity, Collaboration and Learner-Centering in L2 Reading and Writing”, The Converging of Two Visions: the learning and teaching of French and English as second languages at the university level/ Pour la convergence de deux visions: l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du français et de l’anglais langues secondes B l’université. R.Turgiuele and N. Naiman, Éds., Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1996, 37-43.
“ELAO: GenPse et Avenir”, Theory and Application: Proceedings of CCALL2/CCELAO2.Peter Liddell, Éd., Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria Press, 1996, 65-77.
“Computer Conferencing as a CMC Tool for Augmenting Student Interaction, Student Collaboration and Learner-Centerdness”. Virtual Connections:On-line Activities and Projects for Networking Language Learners. Mark Warshauer, Éd., Manoa, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center: U. of Hawaii Press, 1996, 30-33.
Council of Ontario Universities Honourable Mention award for best technological applications: FREN*1120 (Basic French: Writing).
3M Teaching Fellowship award (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education).
2004-06 Presidents’ Distinguished Professor Award
The U. S. University Continuing Education Association: Distinguished Course Award for DE/online course: “Basic French: Listening Comprehension”. Course developed by D. Paramskas.
Special Merit Award for Innovations in Teaching, U of G Faculty Association.
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (OCUFA) Award of Excellence in Teaching.