Odartey-Wellington, D. (Ed.). (2018). Transafrohispanismos: Puentes culturales críticos entre África, Latinoamerica y España. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2008). Contemporary Spanish Fiction: Generation X. Newark: University of Delaware Press.
Mahmud Awah, Bahia. (2024). Mi madre, mi maestra. Memorias del Sáhara Occidental. Editor, Dorothy Odartey-Wellington. MLA Texts and Translations (Forthcoming)
Mahmud Awah, Bahia. (2024). My Mother, My Teacher. A Memoir from Western Sahara. Editor and Translator, Dorothy Odartey-Wellington. MLA Texts and Translations (Forthcoming)
Chapters in books
Odartey-Wellington, D (2024). Introduction: Lessons in the Saharawi Art of Remembering. In Bahia Mahmud Awah, My Mother, My Teacher. A Memoir from Western Sahara. Editor and Translator, Dorothy Odartey-Wellington. MLA Texts and Translations (Forthcoming)
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2018). Ubuntu, cultura digital e identidad: literatura hispano-saharaui. In D. Odartey-Wellington (Ed.), Transafrohispanismos: Puentes culturales críticos entre África, Latinoamerica y España (pp. 308-327). Leiden: Brill/Rodopi.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2016). Newcomers and Host Nations: Literary Images Associated with Immigrants in Spanish Fictional Narrative. In César Dominguez; Anxo Abuín ; Ellen Sapega. (Ed.), A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula. Vol II (pp. 112-124). John Benjamins.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2015). Postnatioanal or Postcolonial? Reading Immigrant Writing in Post National Europe: the case of Equatorial Guinea and Spain. In César Dominguez and Theo D'haen (Eds.), Cosmopolitanism and the Postcolonial: Literature and the New Europe (pp. 199-213). Leiden: Brill/Rodopi.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2015). El cine documental en la empresa colonizadora en Guinea Ecuatorial. África y escrituras periféricas: Horizontes comparativos (pp. 59-74). Madrid: Verbum.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2012). Transcultural Retellings: A Bubi Folktale from Equatorial Guinea to Canada. In Joanna Boampong (Ed.), In and Out of Africa: Exploring Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin American Connections (pp.178-189). New Castle: Cambridge Scholars.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2007). Literary Expressions of Colonization in the Colonial Press of Equatorial Guinea. In Andrea E. Morris and Margaret Parker (Eds.), Celebrations and Connections in Hispanic Literature (pp. 6-18). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2006). La necrosis poscolonial: patologías e identidades en la novela afrohispana Ekomo. In Ricardo de la Fuente and Jesús Pérez Magallón (Eds.), El cuerpo enfermo: Representación e imágenes de la enfermedad. (pp. 147-156). Valladolid: Universitas Castellae.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2004). The Reworking of Tales of Enchantment in Two Novels by Carmen Martín Gaite and Esther Tusquets. In Shelley Godsland and Nickianne Moody (Eds.), Reading the Popular in Contemporary Spanish Texts (pp.Esther Tusquets. In Shelley Godsland and Nickianne Moody (Eds.), Reading the Popular in Contemporary Spanish Texts (pp.121-135). Newark: University of Delaware Press.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2002). Las madrileñas en dos novelas de Rosa Montero. In K.M.Sibbald, R. de la Fuente and J. Díaz (Eds.), Las representaciones de la mujer en la cultura hispánica (pp. 113-317). Valladolid: Universitas Castellae.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (1996). Epistolary Narrative as Literary Form: The Correspondence of Pedro Salinas and Jorge Guillén. In Kay Sibbald (Ed.), Guillén at McGill: Essays for a Centenary Celebration (pp. 112-119). Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions.
Refereed Articles
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2017). Walls, Borders, and Fences in Hispano–Saharawi Creative Expression. Research in African Literatures, 48 (3), 1-17.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2015). "Fictional and Street Narratives: The Textual Scaffolding of Contemporary African Cities". Matatu. Journal for African Culture and Society, 47, 153-174.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2014). "Equatorial Guinea is Different': literatura colonial de Guinea Española en África Occidental. Revista Iberoamericana, 58 (248-249), 763-776.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2012). "Ciudades soñadas y ciudades en las que es imposible soñar: la narrativa de Guinea Ecuatorial". Tintas: Quaderni di Letterature Iberiche e Iberoamericane, 2 (2012), 81-95.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2007). Entre la espada y la pared: la voz de la mediadora en Ekomo, una novela afrohispana. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos., 32 (1), 165-176.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2007). Un camerunés hispanoparlante en Barcelona o un accidente de la migración: Entrevista a Inongo-Vi-Makomè. Afroeuropa.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2006). El exiliado afrohispano y el debate lingüístico en la literatura de Guinea Ecuatorial: Entrevista a Justo Bolekia Boleká. Afro-Hispanic Review, 24 (2), 165-179.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2006). Hacia una literatura nacional: Entrevista a Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo. Afro-Hispanic Review, 25 (2), 159-172.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2005). Voces del silencio: Entrevista a Ciríaco Bokesa. Afro-Hispanic Review, 24 (1), 187-197.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2004). De Madrid al cielo: una novela de la Generación X española inspirada en el cine negro. Confluencia: Revista hispánica de cultura y literatura, 20 (1), 63-72.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2002). La tecnología, el espacio urbano y el sujeto en la narrativa joven española. Revista Hispánica Moderna, 55 (1), 204-210.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2000). De las madres perversas y las hadas buenas: una visión sobre la imagen esencial de la mujer en las novelas de Carmen Martín Gaite y Esther Tusquets. Anales de la literatura española contemporanea (ALEC), 25 (2), 529-555.
Selected Conference Presentations
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2018-2019). 'Mother Africa' Redux: Male Pens on Female Bodies in Hispanosaharawi Culture.
African Literatures Association, Columbus, Ohio.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2017-2018). Memory and Identity in Saharawi Creative Expression: Legna, habla el verso
Saharaui. African Literatures Association, New Haven, Connecticut.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2015-2016). "Walls, Borders, and Fences in Hispano-Saharawi Creative Expression". African
Literatures Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2015-2016). Afrodigital Connections-The Saharawi Dimension. HASTAC, Lansing, Michigan.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2015-2016). Ubuntu, Digital Culture, and Sovereignty in Literature from the Western Sahara in Spanish. 41st Annual Conference of the African Literature Association, Bayreuth, Germany.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2013-2014). Voices of Resistance: From Colonial Places to Digital Spaces (The Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea). 40th African Literature Association Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2013-2014). Right, Where Really is the Western Sahara? Saharawi Writers' Strategies of Representation in the Digital Age. Invited presentation at University of Missouri-columbia, Columbia, Missouri.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2013-2014, June). Images of Cities in Contemporary African Fictional and Street Narratives. 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Lisbon, Portugal.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2012-2013). Old tensions within New borders: 21st Century Media Technologies and the Liberation of African Literature and Culture. 39th African Literature Association Conference. Charleston, Charleston, United States of America.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2011-2012). Women in cities: Reading African Fiction with a Focus in Equatorial Guinean Literature . African Literatures Association, Dallas, Texas.
Odartey-Wellington, D. (2011-2012, June). Equatorial Guinean Writing beyond Equatorial Guinea: Breaking the Mold in César Mba's El porteador de Marlow. Canción negra sin color. 4th European Conference on African Studies: African Engagements: On Whose Terms?, Uppsala, Sweden. 15-18 June, 2012, Uppsala, Sweden.
2021: University Research Leadership Chair
2004: College of Arts Teaching Excellence Award
2003:Teaching Award, University of Guelph Faculty Association
Research Grants
2009: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant (SSHRC)- Standard Research Grants
2013 College of Arts Award for 4A designation on SSHRC Grant Application
2004: College of Arts Research Enhancement Fund
2004: Spanish Government Research Grant for Foreign Hispanists
2002: University of Guelph Research Enhancement Fund
1998: Spanish Government Research Grant for Foreign Hispanists