John Walsh

Authored Books (creative works)
Walsh John. The Poppies of Troy. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2021.
Walsh, John. Case Studies in Ancient Leadership. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2018.
Edited Books
Walsh, John and Elizabeth Baynham, edd. Alexander the Great and Propaganda. London and New York: Routledge, 2021.
Refereed Journal Articles
Walsh, John. “A Note on Diodorus 18.11.1, Arybbas, and the Lamian War.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 109 (2017): 199–208.
Walsh, John. “Reading Diodorus 18.9.3 and ΜΕΤΑ ΠΟΛΛΗΣ ΗΣΥΧΙΑΣ.” Cambridge Classical Journal 63 (2017): 167–76.
Walsh, John. “The Benefits of Latin Language Learning in 21st Century Education.” Classicum 42, no. 1 (2016): 19–44.
Walsh, John. “Antipater and the Lamian War: a Study in 4th Century Macedonian Counterinsurgency Doctrine.” Ancient History Bulletin 29, nos 1–2 (2015) [2016]: 1–27.
Collins, Andrew, and John Walsh. “The Debt Deflationary Crisis and the Roman Republic.” Ancient Society 45 (2015): 125–70.
Collins, Andrew, and John Walsh. “Fractional Reserve Banking in the Roman Republic and Empire.” Ancient Society 44 (2014): 179–212.
Walsh, John. “The Concept of Dunasteia in Aristotle and the Macedonian Monarchy.” Acta Classica 57 (2014): 142–60.
Walsh, John. “Antipater and Early Hellenistic Literature.” Ancient History Bulletin 26, nos 3–4 (2012): 149–62.
Walsh, John. “Leosthenes and the Transportation of Greek Mercenaries from Asia Minor.” Studia Humaniora Tartuensia 13 (2012): 1–11.
Walsh, John. “The Lamiaka of Choerilus of Iasos and the Genesis of the Term ‘Lamian War’.” Classical Quarterly 61, no. 2 (2011): 538–44.
Chapters in Edited Books
Walsh, John. “Hieronymus of Cardia and the Siege of Nora.” In Alexander the Great and Propaganda, edited by John Walsh and Elizabeth Baynham, 71–93. London and New York: Routledge, 2021.
Walsh, John. “Ring Composition in Diodorus Siculus’ Account of the Lamian War.” In Diodoros of Sicily: Historiographical Theory and Practice in the Bibliotheke (Studia Hellenistica 58), edited by Lisa Hau, Alexander Meeus, and Brian Sheridan, 303–28. Leuven: Peeters, 2018.
Walsh, John. “Historical Method and a Chronological Problem in Diodorus, Book 18.” In Alexander and His Successors: Essays from the Antipodes, edited by Pat Wheatley and Robert Hannah, 62–71. Claremont: Regina Books, 2009.
Encyclopedia Entries
Walsh, John. “Antipater.” In Encyclopedia of Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, edited by Sara E. Phang, Iain Spence, Douglas Kelly, and Peter Londey. ABC-Clio, 2016.
Walsh, John. “Lamian War.” In Encyclopedia of Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, edited by Sara E. Phang, Iain Spence, Douglas Kelly, and Peter Londey. ABC-Clio, 2016.
Walsh, John. “Leosthenes.” In Encyclopedia of Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, edited by Sara E. Phang, Iain Spence, Douglas Kelly, and Peter Londey. ABC-Clio, 2016.
Walsh, John. “Lamian War (323–322).” In Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Michael Gagarin. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Walsh, John. “Greek Slave Systems in Their Eastern Mediterranean Context, ca. 800– 146 BC. By David M. Lewis.” Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Business History Review 95, no. 4 (2021): 841–43.