School of Languages and Literatures | College of Arts

School of Languages and Literatures

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The School of Languages and Literatures offers all interested students unique access to other ways of thinking by introducing them to languages, literatures, and cultures different from their own. With course content from the Ancient World to the contemporary context, we provide our students with a broad education which encompasses the arts without neglecting the practical. Cultural awareness and linguistic accuracy prepare students for successful participation in the global community.

Faculty members are dynamic and innovative educators and researchers in their disciplines. We have received research funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and other Canadian funding agencies such as MITACS, as well from as foreign governments. We have also been honoured with various teaching awards, including the prestigious 3M Teaching Fellowship. We are proud to promote and incorporate the learning objectives of the University of Guelph into our courses, particularly internationalism, literacy, independence of thought, a sense of historical development and love of learning.

follow us on Facebook: UofGuelphSoLaL | EtudesFrancaisesUoG



Prof. Alan McDougall (European Studies and ) was interviewed recently for an Associated Press story on…

Latin American Carribean Studies MA

French Studies MA

European Studies MA

Italian Studies

French Studies

European Studies

Classical Studies


Spanish and Hispanic Studies

German Studies


  • The faculty, staff and students of the School of Languages and Literatures and the University of Guelph community are all deeply saddened by the death of Professor Joubert Satyre, who passed away on Sunday, January 15, 2023, after a short illness. With Joubert’s passing we have lost a dear colleague, a caring educator,and a talented researcher, novelist, and poet.

    Le corps professoral, le personnel et les étudiants de l'École des langues et des littératures ainsi que la communauté de l'Université de Guelph sont tous profondément attristés par le décès du professeur Joubert Satyre, qui nous a quittés le dimanche 15 janvier 2023, après une courte maladie.  Avec le décès de Joubert, nous avons perdu un cher collègue, un éducateur attentionné et un chercheur, romancier et poète de talent.

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