Past Events

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IDS Speaker Series

IDS Speaker Series, Hannah Tait Neufeld (Location TBA)

OJS Summer Research Program Information Session

hrough the OJS Summer Research Program, Ontario students from any faculty can spend the summer semester undertaking research in their field of study, guided by a faculty member at one of the nine participating Jiangsu universities. Each participant will be awarded a scholarship of $3000 to support student travel and living costs in China.  More information is available on the OJS website. To apply for the OJS Summer Research Program, students must have a cumulative average of 70%.

Ontario/Jiangsu (OJS) Exchange/Summer Language Programs Information Session

The Ontario/Jiangsu (OJS) Student Exchange Program organizes exchanges between 11 Ontario universities, including the University of Guelph, and 11 universites in the Jiangsu province in China. Through the OJS exchange program, University of Guelph students can go on exchange for one or two semesters to one of the participating universities in Jiangsu province, China.  Students do not have to speak Mandarin to participate in the OJS Exchange, as courses are available in English at the participating Jiangsu universities.

OBW Summer Research Program

The OBW Program offers research opportunities for students in Science, Engineering and Health Sciences through the OBW Summer Research Program. Detailed information is available on the OBW Summer Research Program website.

International Development Studies Speaker Series

The International Development Studies speaker series presents John Ravenhill, director of the Balsillie School of International Affairs, who will discuss “The Political Economy of a ’21st Century’ Trade Agreement: The Trans-Pacific Partnership.”

International Development Speaker Series

The International Development Studies (IDS) speaker series presents Charis Enns, doctoral fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, who will discuss “Pipeline projects and rural politics in northern Kenya: Disassembling land as a resource for infrastructure investment.”  

ORA Summer Research Program Information Session

The ORA Program offers research opportunities for students in Science, Engineering and Health Sciences through the ORA Summer Research Program. Detailed information is available on the ORA  Summer Research Program website.

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