Substances Regulated Under the Chemical Weapons Convention Policy

Effective: September 2000
Reviewed: June 2023
Revised: June 2023
Signature/Position: Vice-President, Finance and Operations

Applicable Legislation/Standards:

Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act and Regulations:

  • Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act, 1995, c.25
  • Annex on Chemical, Schedules of Chemicals - Schedule 1

Export and Import Permits Act


This policy applies to all University employees (faculty and staff) students and visitors involved in the use, handling or storage of substances regulated under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act and Regulations and being used at the University of Guelph campuses, research stations and/or approved field sites.


  1. All production, use, acquisition, storage, handling, or possession of any Schedule 1 chemical in any quantity is to be preceded by the acquisition of a valid license issued by the Canadian National Authority. Applications for licenses are to be coordinated through Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).
  2. All anticipated activities involving Schedule 1 and 2 chemicals for the following year are to be reported to EHS by August 15 of each calendar year.
  3. All past activities involving Schedule 1 and 2 chemicals from the preceding year are to be reported to EHS by January 31 of each calendar year.
  4. EHS is to coordinate reporting of anticipated and past activities to the Canadian National Authority at intervals required by the legislation.
  5. Lab supervisors using Schedule 1 or 2 chemicals are responsible for maintaining an accurate inventory of these chemicals.
  6. Lab supervisors are responsible for storing Schedule 1 or 2 chemicals are stored in controlled access areas.
  7. Lab supervisors are responsible for making lab personnel knowledgeable in the hazards of the Schedule 1 or 2 chemicals with which they will be working as well as the requirements of this policy.


Term Definition
Canadian National Authority Established under the CWC for the purposes of implementing Canada's obligations under the Convention. The Canadian National Authority is located in the Global Affairs Canada.
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) An arms control agreement that outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons.
Schedule 1 Chemicals Chemicals known to be chemical warfare agents and their precursors. These chemicals have little or no use other than in the production of chemical weapons. See appendix 1.
Schedule 2 Chemicals Chemicals and compounds that are key precursors to chemical warfare agents but that have some commercial utility. These chemicals are not produced in large commercial quantities for purposes not prohibited under the convention. See appendix 1.
Schedule 3 Chemicals Chemicals that can be used for the production of chemical warfare agents, but are produced in large quantities for commercial use. Only facilities producing large quantities (i.e. greater than 3 tonnes) of these chemicals are required to report the associated activities, a situation not applicable to the University of Guelph.

Appendix 1

A complete listing of Schedule 1, 2 and 3 chemicals and further information regarding the Chemicals Weapons Convention can be found  on the Global Affairs Canada website.

Schedule 1 Chemicals

Chemicals described below that are produced, processed, consumed, acquired, supplied or stored in any quantity or in any concentration require a license granted by the Canadian National Authority and are reportable as required by the legislation.

The listing of Schedule 1 chemicals can be found at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) Annex on Chemicals.

Schedule 2 Chemicals

Any chemicals described below that were produced, processed or consumed in quantities meeting or exceeding the following thresholds are reportable as required by the legislation.

  • 10 kg or mixture with concentration of 0.5% or more of Amiton or PFIB
  • 100 grams or mixture with concentration of 0.5% or more of BZ
  • 100 kg or mixture with concentration of 10% or more of any precursor chemicals in section B.

Note that if the quantity is below the above threshold a mixture is not declarable regardless of the concentration and if the concentration is below the above threshold a mixture is not declarable regardless of the quantity.

The listing of Schedule 2 chemicals can be found at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) Annex on Chemicals.