News | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


October 29: Country duo represents CME at United Way fundraiser College Idol

The country duo of Amy Nodwell and Scotty Kipfer represented CME at Thursday’s College Idol music contest. The luncheon event is an annual fundraiser for the University of Guelph’s United Way campaign. It features musical acts from each of the seven colleges squaring off in the name of the greater good.

For Nodwell, a fourth-year Marketing Management major, this year’s College Idol marked a return of sorts after sitting out last year.

October 28: Students in industrial relations course pit wits for mock arbitration day

Students in Prof. Evie Adomait’s Industrial Relations course (ECON*2200) had the chance to put their learning into practice with a mock arbitration session held this weekend at Rozanski Hall. The all-day session was hosted by Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti, a Toronto-based firm specializing in labour relations and employment law.

October 27: Prominent U.S. education blog cites passage from CME dean’s text

A leading education blog run by the San Franciso-based Center for Science and Mathematics Education recently posted a lengthy excerpt from Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, co-edited by CME Dean Julia Christensen Hughes. Under the heading Why Are Students So Passive?, the posting refers to Taking Stock as “an excellent new book” on post-secondary pedagogy and introduces the excerpt from Maryellen Weimer, professor emeritus of Teaching and Learning at The Pennsylvania State University.

October 22: Associate dean comments for national media on proposed potash deal

Sylvain Charlebois, CME’s associate dean of research and graduate studies, is a man in demand these days with relation to the proposed takeover of Potash Corp. by Australian mining firm BHP Billiton.  With the proposed deal appearing to pit Saskatchewan’s provincial government against the federal government, the story has quickly developed national prominence.

October 19: First accounting graduates among CME fold at Fall Convocation

For three CME graduates taking part in Fall Convocation 2010, Saturday’s ceremony represented more than just the completion of an academic degree. It was also their reward for taking a chance two years prior, when they declared their intention to major in a designation that didn’t yet exist.

October 18 HTM students grace cover of SNAP Guelph’s October issue

The faces of CME’s best and brightest are even more present in and around Guelph this month, with Housing and Tourism Management students gracing the cover of the October issue of SNAP Guelph. The photo-centric monthly newspaper chronicles community events in and around Guelph.

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