Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management (DTM:C): Co-op

Welcome to the Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management program! We are excited to welcome you to the University of Guelph. At the beginning of the Fall semester, we will have a program orientation meeting. Watch for more details coming to your University-issued email inbox before fall semester starts.


Picking your courses for Semester 1 (Fall 2024):

As a DTM:C student in Semester 1 you will select seven courses, including the mandatory Introduction to Cooperative Education (non-credit) course. The courses you should select are listed below:

  • DTM*1000 The Turf Industry
  • DTM*1010 The Identification and Care of Landscape Plants in Turf Environments I
  • DTM*1100 Plant Biology
  • DTM*1200 Turf Equipment
  • DTM*1300 Turf Soil Principles
  • DTM*1500 Turf Communication Skills
  • COOP*1120, section 01 Introduction to Cooperative Education (non-credit)

Advising Notes & Course Selection Tips:

  • Pick your courses as soon as possible.
  • You will use WebAdvisor to pick your courses. Detailed instructions on using WebAdvisor are available in the WebAdvisor Tutorial.
  • If you have received specific transfer credits from another post-secondary institution, you are not required to select any first-semester courses that have been identified as those specific transfer credits. If you have questions about your transfer credits, schedule an appointment to meet with the DTM Program Counsellor.
  • Co-op is required for students in the DTM program; therefore, you must register for COOP*1120 in first semester.
  • For more information about the Co-operative Education program, visit the Co-operative Education page.
  • Review the Schedule of Studies (the order in which you are advised to take courses). Go to the Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management section of the Associate Diploma Calendar and click on the "Requirements Co-op" tab. Here you will find your requirements laid out by semester, with listings of courses that are available for selection throughout your studies.

For additional information and program counselling please contact:

Carie Devitt
DTM Program Counsellor