Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Welcome to the Bachelor of Science degree program. We are excited to have you join us.

As a B.Sc. student, you will normally select five courses (2.5 credits) per semester. You will be selecting courses for the Fall 2025 semester (Semester 1) and the Winter 2026 semester (Semester 2) at this time.  You will be taking Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and additional required courses and/or electives. The exact courses that you will be taking will depend upon the major in which you are registered.   

Please read through the following pages carefully as you will be guided through the process of selecting your semester 1 and 2 courses by first identifying your major and then the courses required for that major.


Advising Notes:

  • Some courses required for certain majors or specific sections of courses that are required for many degree programs/majors may be restricted to specific programs/majors. If a section of a required course is restricted, you will need to check other sections for one where the restriction includes your degree/major. If there is sufficient space, restrictions on these courses or sections of courses may be removed near the end of the course selection period or later. You should select a course section or an elective that does not create an academic conflict but keep checking WebAdvisor to see if space in your preferred section/elective becomes available. 

  • Some courses are required for multiple degree programs, so they are quite large.  You may need to scroll down through multiple pages to find a section that has space. 

  • Should you find that all sections of a required course are full, please first check the B.Sc. Academic Advising website for updates. If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre (contact information follows). 

  • Distance Education (DE01) courses have no scheduled class time as these courses are online. 

  • If you are a transfer student with transfer credits, contact the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre to schedule an appointment (remote appointments are available during regular office hours). 

  • Bio-Medical Science majors are required to maintain a minimum 75% average in first year, over two full-time academic semesters (total 5.00 credits including the eight core courses as prescribed by the Schedule of Studies), to be guaranteed continuation in the major. 

  • For information about the Co-operative Education program, including requirements for students enrolled in Co-op and what to do if you are interested in applying for the program, visit the Co-operative Education page. Students wishing to apply to one of the Co-op majors can contact the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre for assistance. 

  • The Department of Chemistry provides a resource to help students prepare for first year chemistry. You will receive an email from the CHEM*1040 Course Coordinator, Dr. Lori Jones, with information on how to access the “Get Ready for First-year CHEM” site. Students are encouraged to access this resource to help them prepare for success in first year chemistry. 


Contact Information

B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre (Also for Bachelor of Mathematics and Bachelor of One Health) 
Summerlee Science Complex, Room 1329
519-824-4120 Ext. 53788

B.Sc. Academic Advising website: