Student Fees & Payments
This information is intended to answer questions related to the due dates and procedures for paying your fees. The University of Guelph bills and collects tuition and fees on a semesterly basis. This is intended to ease the financial burden on students and their families so that they do not have to pay the full-year costs up front.
Student Financial Services
Student Financial Services provides services and resources to support students in a wide range of financial matters, including billing, payments, financial literacy, financial counselling and financial aid – scholarships, bursaries and government loans.
Important Dates & Information
- June 15, 2025 – Undergraduate and Diploma Registration Deposit due ($500). This deposit is not an additional fee – it will be applied to your tuition balance.
- June 15, 2025 – International Students ONLY:
New international undergraduate and diploma students are required to pay a non-refundable tuition deposit of $2,000 CAD to the University of Guelph by June 15, 2025. This deposit is not an additional fee – it will be applied to your tuition balance. - Late July, 2025:
You will be able to view your bill on WebAdvisor; just log in and follow the “Account View” link. Your account summary will provide you with a detailed breakdown of tuition, compulsory fees and other charges (residence and meal plans); payments received; University scholarships and bursaries; your OSAP funding directed to your account (if applicable); and the balance owing to the University. Review your account often. For help navigating your account, take a look at our WebAdvisor tutorial.
Please note that you will NOT be sent a paper copy of your bill.
Undergraduate and diploma tuition rates depend on student status: Domestic Ontario, Domestic Non-Ontario or International. Read more about student status and tuition billing. If you are a dependent of a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, diplomat or visitor with an employer-specific work permit, you may qualify for domestic tuition rate. Read more about eligiblity, required documentation and deadlines. If your immigration status changes over the course of your degree and you become eligible for a reduced tuition rate, please ensure you submit the required documents by the deadline so that you are billed the appropriate tuition amount. - First day of classes - Late Registration Fee effective
- Sept 01, 2025 - Cancellation Fee effective
- Sept 12, 2025 - Semester Payment Deadline
- Sept 13, 2025 - Late Payment Fee effective
- Sept 30, 2025 (starting) - Financial Sanction & Fee ($50)
How To Pay Your Fees
The primary method of payment is by online banking. Payment for your tuition, fees, residence and meal plan should be made through online banking services. The amount you owe for the Fall semester is available to view through the Account View option on WebAdvisor. When creating the vendor/payee in your bank’s online bill payment system, be sure to choose the “UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH STUDENT FEES” option and confirm you have entered your student ID number as the account number. Otherwise, your payments will be misdirected and will not be credited against your student account. Depending on your banking institution, the University of Guelph may be listed in a variety of ways: UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH STUDENT FEES, UNIV OF GUELPH – STUDENT FEES. For more information about online banking in general, please contact your bank. Online payments are processed and appear on your University of Guelph student account within approximately three business days. Make sure you keep a copy of your payment receipt; it is your proof of payment.
The preferred method of payment for international payments is PayMyTuition. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition from any bank, in any country, in any currency at better than bank exchange rates. Learn more about PayMyTuition.
The University of Guelph does not accept e-transfers, money transfers, credit card, debit card or cash for payment of your student account. The University does not accept in-person payments. Payments must be made online through your bank using the bill payment option.
For more details on how to pay your student account, including helpful links and answers to frequently asked questions, visit Student Financial Services.
Confirmation of Enrolment
Do you require confirmation that you are enrolled as a student for the release of educational funds (e.g., RESPs), a student line of credit, a parent’s/spouse’s health insurance plan or a parent’s/spouse’s workplace scholarship?
Many organizations and financial institutions will accept your semesterly statement provided on WebAdvisor as confirmation. To download the statement from WebAdvisor, go to Account View, select the semester and click on "View Statement" on the right.
If they require an official Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letter, complete the Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance Order Form. There is a $10 fee for an official Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letter. The fee will be added to your WebAdvisor student account once your letter has been processed. You must be registered for courses (not just have "planned" them) before we can provide a letter.