Research News

U of G researchers help horse community manage the pandemic

A visual of the resources the Equine Information Source created  to help horse owners and facility managers navigate the pandemic

Photo Credit: Equine Information Source

By Shagun Yadev and Cate Willis

To help struggling horse owners and facility managers navigate the pandemic, University of Guelph researchers have created resources to manage COVID-19 protocols and restrictions. 

Dr. Katrina Merkies, a professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences, along with undergraduate students Elizabeth Crouchman, Caleigh Copelin and Amanda St-Onge wanted to learn how riding facilities were managing the lockdown restrictions and what protocols they were implementing. 

“We were looking at the impacts on equestrian...

Read more: U of G researchers help horse community manage the pandemic

OVC Researchers Focus On Optimal Care for Calves

Four black and white cows standing in an enclosure with other cows in the background

By Mya Kidson

Early calf care is crucial for optimal calf development and reducing disease risk – but providing quality care remains a challenge. In this article, Mya Kidson highlights a new research study conducted by Dr. Devon Wilson, a veterinarian and PhD candidate, and Dr. David Renaud, a professor in the Department of Population Medicine, that explores current calf care practices to...

Read more: OVC Researchers Focus On Optimal Care for Calves

Researchers Aim to Improve COVID-19 Screening With Thermal Camera-Based Imaging Tool

An image of a person from the hand-held thermal camera-based imaging tool

Image captured by the thermal camera-based imaging tool

By Otaiba Ahsan  

University of Guelph researchers have developed a hand-held thermal camera-based imaging tool that may improve COVID-19 screening protocols. Used at screening locations, the device could quickly detect higher heart rate, body temperature or breathing rate – all potential indicators of COVID-19 infection. Users can flag individuals for further testing, preventing them from unknowingly spreading the virus, and improve triage and monitoring in hospitals. In this article, Otaiba Ahsan examines how this device can potentially...

Read more: Researchers Aim to Improve COVID-19 Screening With Thermal Camera-Based Imaging Tool

Two University of Guelph technologies receive Innovation of the Year Award 2020

The University of Guelph sign

Photo Credit: Creative Commons Zero

Combatting COVID-19 and ensuring environmental protection are the goals of two University of Guelph technologies that received the University’s Innovation of the Year Award for 2020.  

Dr. Keith Warriner, a professor in the Department of Food Science, and post-doctoral researcher Mahdiyeh Hasani received the award for repurposing their food disinfection technology to clean personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic. 

Dr. John Lindsay, a professor in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, won the award for his open-source...

Read more: Two University of Guelph technologies receive Innovation of the Year Award 2020

Federal fund supports U of G research activities affected by COVID-19 pandemic

Johnson Green building at the University of Guelph.

Wikimedia Commons

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous U of G research projects continued during the past 18 months thanks to federal funding support and a cross-campus team of University of Guelph experts. 

Almost 1,000 researchers and 425 research projects have received support from the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF), created to mitigate COVID-19 impacts on research initiatives and to protect research investments during the pandemic.

U of G received almost $6.5 million to pay wages and incremental costs for essential research-related activities...

Read more: Federal fund supports U of G research activities affected by COVID-19 pandemic

Researchers Aim to Improve Rural Representation in COVID-19 Policies

Three men huddled together talking

(Jack Sharp/ Unsplash)

By Otaiba Ahsan 

A new University of Guelph study led by Dr. Leith Deacon found that people living in rural Ontario experienced significant declines in mental health, employment satisfaction and personal safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, former SPARK writer Otaiba Ahsan looks at how adequate representation in provincial and federal pandemic countermeasures can have potentially detrimental effects on rural communities...

Read more: Researchers Aim to Improve Rural Representation in COVID-19 Policies

Evaluating animal health surveillance practices during the pandemic

Several pigs gathered together with one poking it's head out


By Caitlin Ford

Despite COVID-19 lockdown measures, livestock health and animal health surveillance have remained robust during the pandemic, according to a University of Guelph study.

During Ontario’s first lockdown in the spring of 2020, Dr. Zvonimir Poljak, a professor in the Department of Population Medicine, and his research team studied changes in health surveillance and analyzed poultry and swine screening trends from previous years.

Test samples from livestock are routinely submitted to the University of Guelph’s Animal Health...

Read more: Evaluating animal health surveillance practices during the pandemic

Lessons Learned From Pandemic Can Help Hospitality Industry Be More Prepared, U of G Report Says

A woman sitting on a couch in a hotel

(SrockSnap/ Pixabay)

By Cate Willis 

University of Guelph professors Dr. Kevin James, Department of History, and Dr. Mark Holmes, School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management, along with history graduate student Jose Gabriel Alonzo created a report with recommendations to prepare business operators for another pandemic or local or global crisis. In this article, Cate Willis looks at what lessons can be learned from SARS and...

Read more: Lessons Learned From Pandemic Can Help Hospitality Industry Be More Prepared, U of G Report Says

Mental Illness: New Smartphone Apps Can’t Replace Traditional Therapy, U of G Study Finds

Girl sitting at a table with a cell phone in her hand


By Caitlin Ford

The demand for mental health support during the pandemic has far exceeded the supply and some companies have migrated their psychotherapy practices to virtual platforms. In a new article, SPARK writer Caitlin Ford discusses University of Guelph professor Dr. Joshua Skorburg’s research on how effective these online resources are for treating mental illness...

Read more: Mental Illness: New Smartphone Apps Can’t Replace Traditional Therapy, U of G Study Finds

Impacts of social policy changes on individuals living with poverty

Headshots of Laura Pin and Leah Levac

Drs. Laura Pin and Leah Levac

By Mya Kidson

The Ontario government’s policy changes during the pandemic have disproportionately impacted people living with poverty, say University of Guelph researchers.                                                       

Their study found that the provincial government’s policy changes excluded the needs of community members living with poverty. Care networks comprising neighbours, friends and service providers had to step in to support people whose existing disparities were often worsened by the pandemic. 

“Social policy changes, such...

Read more: Impacts of social policy changes on individuals living with poverty