Industry Liaison Program
The Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) is your primary portal to University of Guelph research expertise and resources. It is designed to help your company nurture its growth with a continuous flow of innovative ideas - ideas for new products, better processes and superior services.
Leveraging Your Funding
Make your dollars go farther when pairing them with funding from the university and/or external agencies.
Community - University Partnering
The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) fosters collaborative and mutually beneficial community-university partnerships. We work among community, students, faculty and intermediaries through research, training and brokering to strengthen capacity to conduct engaged scholarship and mobilize knowledge.
Explore International Collaboration
The University of Guelph has a long tradition of international partnerships in research, development, teaching and learning. New agreements, however, need to meet a variety of criteria and are approved and signed at the senior administrative level to ensure the University can meet its legal and moral obligations.
Donating to Research
Gifts towards innovative research will be used in areas where the University of Guelph excels: food, environment, health, and community.