First, remember the migration scope only included active approved protocols up to August 13. There could be a few reasons, therefore, that you don’t see your study:

  • If your protocol was expired or closed, it was not migrated (unless it was only very recently expired) 
  • If your protocol was approved after August 13 then it was not part of the mass migration effort, but will be migrated manually 
  • If your protocol was in the midst of an amendment it would have been considered ‘under review’ by the Research Ethics office and will be migrated manually once the amendment review and approval cycle completes
  • If your legacy study is still pending approval, it will be migrated manually once it is approved  
  • Lastly, if you were part of the study team, but not the PI, you will not see the protocol until the PI shares the form with you (see Why aren’t all my study team members on the legacy data form?)  

Otherwise, if none of the above could be the explanation, then contact citing the REB reference number if you have it, or the study title. 

Note: In the case of manual migrations, these are expected to complete between now and end of October. Researchers will be notified either by a system email or personally contacted by the Research Ethics office as your protocol is migrated). 

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Human Ethics