Movember has meaning for canines, too

A woman with brown, shoulder-length hair wearing a white lab coat sits with a black and white small dog who wears a red harness and a tag that says "Alfred."  To the right of her sits a man with blond hair, who is wearing a white lab coat.  They are both smiling.  Behind them is a poster of a golden retreiver, lying down and the text "pettrust.ca"

New gold nanoparticle cancer therapy technique could help animals and humans

By Samantha McReavy

Canine prostate cancer research at the University of Guelph could help transform future cancer treatments – for pets and humans – making therapy less invasive and more effective. 

Creating mental health resources tailored for Canadian farmers

Andria Jones-Bitton and Briana Hagan stand beside each other talking


By Samantha McReavy

To promote mental health literacy, a course – tailored specifically for the Canadian agriculture community – called “In The Know” is being piloted this fall by University of Guelph researchers.

The pilot is set to be complete in spring of 2019 and researchers will then start preparing content for the online version of the course.

It’s Canada Day weekend – for ticks, too

Finn, a mixed breed, long haired dog, sits on a rock, panting


By Sydney Pearce

This holiday weekend, as you finalize your plans, make sure to prepare yourself for the insects that accompany the great outdoors – like ticks.

Ticks can transmit pathogens that cause disease. In Ontario, the blacklegged tick poses the greatest risk; it can transmit several pathogens including the bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) that causes Lyme disease in humans, dogs and horses.