Past Events

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Introduction to Aboriginal People in Canada Workshop

Aboriginal culture is complex, forming a dynamic and rich way of life, however, Aboriginal people and their cultures are often misunderstood. The goals of this workshop are for individuals to: reflect on their personal knowledge of Aboriginal people in Canada; develop knowledge on terminology and diversity of Aboriginal people in Canada; and reflect and challenge assumptions and stereotypes. Open to everyone - Tailored to students. This event is part of Aboriginal Awareness Week, running from October 21-25.

SafeTALK: Suicide Alertness Training

SafeTALK is an alertness training that prepares anyone, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. The SafeTALK trainer will demonstrate the importance of suicide alertness and help participants identify ways people invite help when they’re at risk.

Behind-the-Scenes Tour: UC Kitchen

Join a Hospitality Services chef for a behind-the-scenes tour of the University Centre basement kitchen and learn more about how Hospitality Services has committed to sustainability at U of G. 

Women's Mid-Life Sleep Workshop

The most common and severe symptom of peri-menopausal women is poor sleep ! They experience more difficulty falling asleep and sleep may be disturbed by hot flashes, sleep disorders, poor health, anxiety, depression, and worrying. This workshop outlines why Minarik's report on recent sleep research directs health professionals to change from past trends of hormones-only solutions when addressing sleep changes at mid-life.

Introduction to Mindfulness: Teaching and Gentle Yoga Fusion

Join Nichola Taylor MSW RSW (registered social worker and group facilitator) and Kerri-Ann Fitzgerald MSW RSW (registered social worker and certified yoga teacher) to enjoy a fusion of introductory mindfulness teachings and gentle yoga that can aid in stress-reduction and enhanced well-being.   A variety of take-home resources will be provided to start or enrich your home practice.  Please bring a yoga mat. Space is limited. Register today!

Blood Donor Clinic- U of G

BLOOD DONORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Approximately every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. In fact, per a recent poll, 52 per cent of Canadians say they, or a family member, have needed blood or blood products for surgery or for medical treatment.

Aboriginal Awareness Week at U of G

The purpose of Aboriginal Awareness Week is to acknowledge the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit presence and partnerships on campus, and create opportunities for education and discussion. Aboriginal Awareness Week is a collaborative initiative between the department of Student Experience, the Aboriginal Student Association and many other campus groups, departments and faculty. Sign up for the Introduction to Aboriginal People in Canada workshop and the Why and How of Territorial Acknowledgements session taking place during Aboriginal Awareness Week at U of G.

Waste Reduction Week

On October 21-25, Canada recognizes Waste Reduction Week. Throughout the week, we celebrate our progress with environmental initiatives while also looking for new innovative ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle.   Each day of the week has a different theme, to provide education and ideas around how each of us can take action to make more environmentally friendly choices day to day. MONDAY - Circular Economy  TUESDAY- Textiles  WEDNESDAY- Champions and Innovators  THURSDAY- Plastics  FRIDAY- Food Waste

Wellness Friday: Making Shiftwork Work for You

Shift workers know first-hand the challenges of fighting the body's natural sleep-wake pattern and the strain that shiftwork can sometimes put on their health and well-being. This session will help participants identify the challenges and stressors that are unique to shiftwork, as well as strategies that may be helpful in improving sleep, eating healthy, and establishing routines that are helpful. Facilitator: Homewood Health

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