Past Events

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Power Pilates- Free Fitness Class

Can't decide between Power Yoga and Pilates? This invigorating class is a fusion of the two! Power yoga postures to strengthen the body and a Pilates focus on the core to improve your alignment, posture & stability.

Beginner Ukulele Bootcamp

Making music can help boost mental health and it's even more fun and low stress in a group setting! Come out and learn how to play ukulele with educator Cynthia Kinnunen at this Ukulele 101 session. No experience required and we’ll have you playing a few tunes in no time!  Ukuleles will be available to borrow for the first 20 people registered. Be prepared to have your mood lifted! Register now, as spaces are limited.

Classical Yoga for Total Health and Awareness

Classical Yoga is a particularly effective and efficient system to not only stretch, tone and develop the muscles but stimulate robust health in all systems of the body.  Regular practice can relieve stress and anxiety and promote mental concentration.

Inclusion and Workplace Well-being

Dr. Leanne Son Hing, Associate Professor in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Nouran Sakr, MA candidate in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, will co-host a panel session focused on issues of inclusion, organizational justice, and workplace well-being. Please register in advance here, as space is limited.

Sparking Art: A Workshop

As a psychotherapist and art therapist, Jazmine hears the words "Oh, I'm not creative," nearly everyday. In this workshop, Jazmine will share about the power of artmaking as a method of self-expression, self-care, and a pathway to learning more about one’s inner self, regardless of one's experience with art. With this guidance, you will practice connecting with your inner creativity (no matter how dormant it may be!) by making your own unique art piece to adorn your home or workplace.

Office Ergonomics Workshop

This training will be reviewing muscular-skeletal disorders (MSDs), symptoms of MSDs, ergonomic risk factors, and solutions. As well as an in-depth review of how to properly set up your workstation, identify hazards and propose solutions, as well as tips for at work and at home. Facilitated by: Heather Sewell, Rehabilitation Specialist, Occupational Health and Wellness Please register in advance here, as space is limited.

I’m Just So Tired Workshop

Are your day to day tasks leaving you more exhausted than they should? Do you find yourself dreaming of a dramatic career shift or forgetting when you last felt truly relaxed? Join Ruthie for this exploration of what contributes to burn out and compassion fatigue, and how we can re-energize as individuals and communities to enjoy our work and home lives again.

Pound- Free Fitness Class

Let loose with this fun full body workout that fuses strength training, Pilates-inspired movements and cardio moves with drumming.  Designed for all fitness levels. 

STOP on the Road: Smoking Cessation Workshop

DO YOU WANT TO QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES? The STOP program delivers research-based, cost-free smoking cessation workshops in local communities. Eligible participants will: Attend this educational session Receive a five-week course of nicotine patches To learn more, see if you qualify, and to register, contact: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health 1-800-265-7293 ext 4020. Confidentiality is assured. 

Sharing Circle: Emptying Your Burden Basket

Elder Jan Sherman will lead a Sharing Circle where participants will be engaged in a group discussion around traditional perspectives on “emptying your burden basket” as a practice to help improve mental well-being. Please register in advance, as space is limited.

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