Past Events

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Wellness Friday: Beyond Stigma - Increasing Our Understanding of Mental Health in the Workplace

In today’s society, there remains a lack of awareness, and sometimes bias, regarding mental health problems. This wellness session will assist participants in enhancing their understanding of the personal and environmental factors that can have an impact on mental health, the common signs and symptoms of mental health troubles, and the most appropriate prevention and intervention strategies. During this one-hour wellness session participants will:

Supporting a Colleague in Distress- For Leaders

Join this workshop to learn proactive strategies to build effective relationships with your team members and recognize signs and sources of distress. Participants will review and discuss a process to frame a conversation with a colleague in distress. Learning Objectives

Intro to the GREAT at U of G Initiative

The GREAT (Gratitude, Recognition, and Employee Appreciation Together) at U of G initiative launched in January 2021 with the goal of enhancing the culture of gratitude, recognition, and appreciation for all faculty and staff at the University. This session will provide an overview of the GREAT at U of G website, the “G” Thanks! recognition program, Kudoboard tool, and GREAT resources available to help you show appreciation and recognition for others.

Classical Yoga Class

Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees – welcome. No experience required. Join Zoom Meeting Please contact to register and access the meeting link.

Tapping into the Power of Gratitude, Recognition and Appreciation During COVID-19

Appreciation, recognition, and gratitude are a remarkably strong source of energy that we all possess. When we can tap into that powerful source of energy it can have a deep, positive effect on our work relationships and successful outcomes. In this session we will explore the science behind the impact of appreciation, recognition, and gratitude, what makes it such a dynamic force and the specific ways you can integrate these energy sources into your day.

CMHA Webinar: Men’s Mental Health Panel

This webinar is being offered by CMHA Waterloo Wellington.  Our Men’s Mental Health Panel will look at destigmatizing mental health, getting comfortable reaching out for support, as well as offering practical tips and guidance about how to take care of your mental wellbeing. Register here.

Plan for Resilience Workshop

We all juggle personal, family, social, financial, and work demands. Most of us do pretty well, but any of us could be blindsided by an unexpected crisis or overwhelmed when too many stressors coincide.

COVID-19 Talk with Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos

Join Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos for a brief talk on the current COVID-19 pandemic.  He will provide details about the state of current pandemic both locally and across Canada as well as review the latest science on prevention. The talk will provide some perspective about the potential path of the pandemic over the coming weeks and months. Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos will answer questions you have related to COVID-19. If you are registering less than 24 hours before the session, please email Sarah to request the meeting link:

Lower Your Stress: Obedience Training For Your Brain

Are you tired of the negative thoughts that constantly bark at you? Are you feeling fear and on the verge of a pandemic meltdown? To learn how to calm your mind and emotions, join performance coach Tim O’Connor for his Lower Your Stress: Obedience Training For Your Brain webinar. Tim is Head Coach of the Gryphons men’s and women’s golf team. During this interactive webinar, participants will learn the core principles and tools of awareness used by top performers in business, sports and the arts to silence their yapping minds and control their emotions.

Home Office Ergonomics Workshop

This training will be reviewing muscular-skeletal disorders (MSDs), symptoms of MSDs, ergonomic risk factors, and solutions. There will be an in-depth review of how to properly set up your workstation, identify hazards and propose solutions, as well as tips for at work and at home. If you are registering less than 24 hours before the session, please email Sarah to request the meeting link: Facilitated by: Jacob Thadickal, Rehabilitation Specialist in Human Resources

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