
January 2021 Wellness Calendar

See attached the full January 2021 Wellness@Work calendar for upcoming events and opportunities. 

31 Day January Wellness Challenge

Participate in the attached 31 day January Wellness Challenge.

Look on the calendar each day for a small actionable step you can take to boost your mood. Complete as many activities as you like and cross them off on the challenge card.

Fill out your contact information and submit to by February 5, 2021 for your chance to win a prize.

Dry January: Take a break from alcohol use

Dry January is an option annual event that some people take part in by avoiding the consumption of any alcohol for the entire month of January.  Some do it for health reasons, to improve their sleep patterns, to save money, or simply to take a break after increased drinking over the holidays.

Below are a few tips on how you can tell people you aren't drinking:

Free Take your Break Activity Book

U of G faculty and staff are invited to sign-up now to receive a free Take your Break Activity Book in the mail, including puzzles, colouring pages, wellness tips, and employee wellness resources. 

Take a sneak peek at a few of the pages from the activity book below.

Registration has now closed and the activity books are being shipped before the holiday break. 

December Wellness Challenge: Share your Holiday Food Tradition

Wellness@Work is challenging you to share your favourite Holiday Food Tradition for your chance to win a prize! 

Use the Kudoboard to tell us about your holiday food tradition, post a photo of the food, and include the recipe in your post.  Follow the Kudoboard link and use your single sign on to access the site and share your post. 

Every post will earn you an entry into a draw for a prize and additional entries will be awarded from heart reactions you receive on your post.

Healthy Workplace Month 2020 Highlights

View the attached PDF to view highlights from our virtual Healthy Workplace Month 2020 with participant feedback. 

Do you want to share any feedback about the month or activities you joined? Feel free to reach out to 

View the contest winners from Healthy Workplace Month.

Healthy Workplace Month 2020 Contest Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in October's Healthy Workplace Month contests and activities.

Below is a summary of the contest winners who were awarded prizes:

30-Day Equity Challenge 

Three participants in September's 30-day equity challenge were randomly selected to receive a T-shirt from UnLearn

What does GOAL 2.0. have to do with Wellness?

We know that the relationship between an employee and their manager can be one of the most important factors in employee success and well-being in the workplace.  Through the Wellness@Work initiative, we are working towards enhancing 13 factors that impact psychological health and safety within the workplace, including:

World Kindness Day: Be Kind to Yourself and Others

World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself and to the world. This day, celebrated on November 13 of each year, has the purpose to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. In years past, we encouraged you to smile at a stranger, pay it forward and buy someone a coffee, or connect with a friend over dinner.

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