Accessibility Requests
Finding a Residence That Works for You
Generally speaking, residence and room assignments are based on a randomized lottery system that takes into consideration your building and room type preferences. However, we recognize that some students have unique circumstances that require special consideration.
We can’t guarantee that all requests will be accommodated (based on availability), but we will work with you in finding a living situation that best meets your needs. Most of our residences can accommodate a variety of accommodation situations. For a list of the most common requests and associated residence locations, consult the summary of potential locations outlined below.
The deadline for Accessibility Accommodation Requests is the same as the Residence Application deadline in June. Submission of an Accessibility Form does not guarantee you an offer of residence.
To Submit an Accessibility Accommodation Request
- Complete your Residence Application on the Housing Portal and indicate on your form that you have an accessibility accommodation need.
- You will be directed to complete an Accessibility Accommodation Form on the Housing Portal.
- Complete all sections of the form and follow the instructions to download the Accommodation form to be validated and signed by your attesting professional.
- Your attesting professional is an unrelated practitioner who is working directly with you who can confirm your specific accommodation needs, including but not limited to a physician, specialist, counsellor, teacher or therapist. If citing lifestyle, cultural or religious reasons, an attesting professional's supporting document/signature is not always necessary. We will contact you if we require additional information.
- You can print the form directly from the Housing Portal or download the Accessibility Accommodation Form.
- Upload your completed Accessibility Accommodation Form, including the section completed by the professional, and submit it to Residence Admissions through the Housing Portal.
How We Assign
We are able to accommodate most disabilities and special needs in a variety of different residence communities.
Your assignment will be based on several factors, as follows:
- Your preferences as listed on your Residence Application.
- Your accommodation needs as outlined by your supporting documentation.
- Our availability of specific room type and facilities
- Your lottery number.
Accommodation Policies
In consideration of revised legislation around the use of marijuana for medical purposes, Student Housing Services, in consultation with campus stakeholders, has developed a Medical Marijuana Policy for accommodating authorized individuals. This Policy is intended to balance the need to accommodate the medical needs of an individual with the potential impact on the health and safety of the surrounding residence community, as well as meeting any legal obligations that may exist.
Service animals are permitted in residence in two locations (East Village Townhouses and West Residence), subject to conditions and appropriate documentation. Students requesting permission to bring a service animal to residence must meet with the Director of Housing prior to approval being granted.
Accommodations and Potential Residence Locations
Condition: Diabetes
Housing Request: Single room, low-washroom ratio
- East Village Townhouses
- Lambton Hall
- South apartment
- East Residence 6-person apt
Condition: Mobility requiring motorized equipment (wheelchair or scooter)
Housing Request: Accessible doorways, ramps, walk-in shower, grab bars
- East Village Townhouses
- Lennox & Addington- first-floor commons
Condition: Mobility requiring no stairs, and no motorized equipment Housing Request: First-floor location
- Lennox & Addington Hall
- Mills Hall
- Lambton Hall
- East Residence
- East Village Townhouses
Condition: Hearing impaired, any level
Housing Request: Strobe
Location(s): All residences except Mills Hall.
Condition: Visually impaired, any level
Housing Request: Natural light
Location(s): Any residence
Condition: Visually impaired with a service animal
Housing Request: Service animal must be approved by Director
- East Village Townhouses
- West Residence
Condition: Cultural/religious - Kosher or Halal
Housing Request:
- Kosher/Halal kitchen
- Exemption from meal plan
- No guarantee, but we will put similar requests together if possible
- Kosher/Halal can be accommodated on the meal plan
Condition: Cultural/religious - Kosher or Halal
Housing Request: Choice of residence determined by lottery
Location(s): All residences have single-gender rooms.
- Single-gendered floors, or suites in East Village Townhouses, East Residence, Watson Hall (female) and Lennox C.
- Single-gender alcoves in South Residence.
Condition: Cultural/religious - same faith or ethnicity
Location(s): We do not collect this information on the residence application
Condition: ADHD/ADD
- Request for quiet area and single room OR
- Request for multi-occupancy for social stimulation
Location(s): Location of residence determined by lottery
Condition: Learning Disability - Dyslexia/cognitive processing disorder
Request: Single room, quiet area
- East Village Townhouses- Study Intensive area
- Lennox C- Study Intensive area
- All residences
Condition: Vegan, gluten-free or vegetarian diet
Request: Access to kitchen, exemption from meal plan
- All residences
- Dietary needs can be accommodated on a meal plan.
Condition: Anxiety or Panic Disorder Depression
Request: Single room OR Double room with specified support roommate
- All residences
- Location-based on a random lottery. Manual assignment checks to ensure roommate is assigned
Condition: Support Animal or Registered Service Animal
Request: Must be approved by Student Accessibility Services and the Director of Student Housing Services
- East Village Townhouses
- West Residence