Best Practices
Tips to Keep in Mind
When providing recognition or appreciation to a colleague, there are a few tips you can keep in mind to maximize your impact.
Best Practices @ U of G
Across U of G, there are employees and leaders who are being innovative in ways they show gratitude, recognition and appreciation for colleagues and employees.
View some examples of GREAT work happening in departments at U of G. Do you know a department, leader or colleague who should be featured? Let us know!
Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
- The Lang School has its own awards, for example the Dean's Award for Staff Excellence and Lang Teaching and Learning awards.
- Using a wellness grant, Lang provides thank you cards to Supervisors to hand out throughout the year.
- A survey link is shared with new Managers, which helps people understand what is personally important to their team members:
- Events are hosted throughout the year to thank employees.
Want to learn more? Reach out to Heather Bateman at
College of Arts
- Regular appreciation moments involve coffee and snacks from the UC bakery with team - It gives people a chance to just sit and enjoy something for a few minutes together as a team.
- The Gryphies! College of Arts Staff Excellence Award: Anyone can nominate anyone else, and the recipient can choose a $100 gift card of their choice.
"I want to recognize a staff member for excellence each semester. Excellence can take many forms: exceptional work performance, eagerness to help others, positive attitude, creative new ideas for improving operations, or simply making the College of Arts a better place to work or study. But there are no limits to what excellence can be, all forms will be considered.” -Brennan Reniers
Random Acts of GREATness
Alumni Affairs & Development
- Formed a Kudos Task Team that send out a survey to all staff requesting kudos for all staff members. People can be recognized for living the values of the department, their behaviours, work, etc. Around Valentine's Day, the kudos are printed, put in a nice envelope and dropped off with a cupcake treat.
- Sometimes start meetings with Kudos, where someone gives a kudo to a colleague, and the colleague then gives a kudo to another person.
- Provide a budget line for appreciation and allow people to do it within work hours to build it into the culture.
To talk more about the culture initiatives in AA&D, contact the Culture Ambassador at
Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
- Hosted Gratitude October, with messages focusing on gratitude for employees. A sincere email was sent from leader to share gratitude for the unique challenges many employees were facing during COVID-19.
- Used social media to share messages and photos for Gratitude October.
- Personnel were encouraged to send personal emails to each other to send words/photos/memes of gratitude and encouragement.
- Leadership from the Chair, helping to make people feel valued, appreciated and recognized for their work.
Want to learn more? Reach out to Amy Tucker at