Upcoming Events

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Taking Charge of Change

This workshop's foundation is Prosci’s Taking Charge of Change Workshop. The workshop delivers the fundamental concepts of change management and establishes how effective change management can benefit your organization. The program applies the Five Tenets of Change Management to a specific project or change initiative to build awareness and desire for change management—the first two milestones in the Prosci ADKAR Model. At the end of this one-day online experience, participants will be able to: Define change management. Understand the value...

Identity, Bias and Valuing Difference at Work

The workplace is a diverse and dynamic place. Successfully working with those who are different from you is a skill and mindset that is highly valued by employers (and very useful in life in general). How does your identity influence how you see the world and others? Why do our brains want to jump to conclusions about people based on first impressions? Where do our biases come from? What can we do about them? This workshop helps you explore the factors influencing your social/cultural identity and how it influences your view of others and their view of you. Learn the difference between...

Beyond the Books Mental Health Literacy Training

Beyond the Books is a training that will provide participants with general information on the prevalence of mental challenges and illness, help participants to identify signs of troubling behaviour, and give them skills to engage in a preliminary discussion to determine if referral to a professional is necessary, all within the U of G context. Participants will also learn how and where to refer appropriately in a compassionate and effective manner. This...

Thriving in a Hybrid Work Environment

Workplaces are increasingly moving to and recognizing the benefits of hybrid working arrangements. These arrangements may include hybrid telecommuting, remote-first or location-based offices, flexible work schedules, compressed workweeks, working from home or elsewhere, and many more alternatives. And while hybrid work arrangements come with many benefits including improved work-life harmony and greater job satisfaction – it’s important to understand what the challenges may be and how to overcome them in order to successfully thrive within this unique working arrangement. ...

Artificial Intelligence and You- Generative AI Tools to Enhance Your Productivity

This course is comprised of an asynchronous microlearning course with access starting September 30th, 2024 and a synchronous virtual session October 23, 2024 from 10 am - 12 pm. In our tech-driven world, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now indispensable for individuals and professionals across diverse fields. This blended-learning course, led by the University of Guelph's Centre for Advancing Responsible and Ethical Artificial Intelligence (CARE-AI), is thoughtfully designed to demystify AI, and equip participants with the knowledge and...

Leader as Coach (Session 1 of 2)

For Senior Leaders, Chairs, Directors, and People Managers Great leaders are decisive and provide direction but we also know that high performance teams are led with leaders who wear a coach hat. A coach creates an environment of psychological safety, they know how to connect with their employees to bring out their best, they communicate in ways that ensure trust and invite innovation. Leaders who possess coaching skills directly impact current and future employee performance. Leaders who coach promote a highly engaged work environment, with enhanced performance...

Transform Your Checklist: Developing Effective Standard Operating Procedures

Discover how to seamlessly transition from routine checklists to SOPs that enhance efficiency, reduce errors, promote consistency and elevate overall performance. Explore how to write clear and unambiguous SOPs, learn about different process documentation formats, understand how to implement SOPs into your current workflow, and discuss how to regularly review SOPs to ensure they become living documents that adapt and evolve with your business needs. Instructor Ted Cogan, Deputy University Secretary Ted is responsible for managing day-to-day operations within the...

Personal Leadership at Work

Personal Leadership at Work will be held on Oct 2nd, Oct 16th, Oct 30th, Nov 13th and a follow up session on Dec 18th, 2024 from 9 am - 12 pm. Employee Essentials - Personal Management Principles, Attitudes and Practices for Success Watch a video testimonial from former Personal Leadership at Work participants. Leadership is not a position or title. It is an outlook, a way of looking at the world and ourselves in it. Personal leadership is about taking leadership of our...

Human Rights Fundamentals- Anti-Discrimination and Harassment

This interactive workshop encourages participants to move beyond the text of Ontario’s human rights legislation to understand how legal requirements affect our day-to-day work. How do we identify when behaviour is harassment or discrimination? How do we know when behaviour rises to the level of a human rights violation? What is a reasonable response to a complaint in the circumstances? How do we prevent human rights violations from occurring in the first place? This workshop provides tools and strategies to respond to each of these questions. Instructors Training and...

Working Better Together with Authentic Collaboration

This two-part, experiential workshop catalyzes a new conversation about the art and skill of collaborative leadership. Participants will explore the challenges and strengths of campus collaboration and discover the possibility of collaborating with greater ease, effectiveness, and meaningful connection. Note that this workshop is based on Elizabeth’s book entitled. “Authentic Collaboration: A Bridge to Meaningful Connection”....