Radiation Safety

Radiation Safety Programs educate staff, faculty and students on managing contact with radiation.  This can mean anything from lasers, to x-rays, to emissions from specialty microwave heaters, to subatomic particles from radioactive materials.

The University’s Radiation Safety Officers can be contacted via email at radsafe@uoguelph.ca or as follows: 

  • Karan Virdi may be contacted by email at kvirdi@uoguelph.ca or by phone at 519 824 4120 ext. 54888 for issues including the following:
    • Nuclear substances licenses – Consolidated and Veterinary Nuclear Medicine
    • Class II licenses  – OVC Linac and Physics Pelletron
    • Including program maintenance, training, inspections, incident review/investigation, and regulatory reporting related to the above 
    • Radiation safety permitting, meter calibration, nuclear substance purchase, waste management
    • Primary contact with CNSC related to the above
  • Tara Hargreaves may be contacted by email at hargreat@uoguelph.ca or by phone at 519 824 4120 ext. 53774 for issues including the following:
    • X-ray 
    • Lasers
    • Including program maintenance, training, inspections, incident review/investigation, dosimetry, and regulatory reporting related to the above
    • X-ray and laser permitting 
    • Primary contact with MOL, and MOHLTC related to the above

For any general inquiries or to arrange pick-up of Tags for Nuclear Hazardous Waste, please contact our Environmental Health and Safety service associate by email ehs@uoguelph.ca at or by phone at 519 824 4120 ext. 53282

Personnel who use high powered lasers (Class 3B and 4) and those that work with radioiodine (I-125, I-131) should refer to the Occupational Health & Wellness Website for information on required pre-assignment eye exams and thyroid bioassay monitoring.

Documentation and forms pertaining to the Radiation Safety Program are accessible to users through their University of Guelph login