Congrats to our September 2023 “G” Thanks! Winner Linda Marciniak!

Congrats to our September “G” Thanks! Winner Linda Marciniak!
Sarah Lima shared in her “G” Thanks nomination:
Linda has been such a valuable contributor in helping us polish the new SAP careers page that will launch with the new HRMS - I know this team is stretched. Yet Linda has demonstrated a real commitment to ensuring the site looks good and is optimized and I could not be doing this without her input. I am grateful for the collaboration and team effort here and am hopeful this is just the beginning as there is so much potential for us to strengthen the partnership between our offices. Thanks, Linda for jumping right in and providing your expertise, it is such a pleasure to work with you!
A virtual celebration was held for Linda.
Sarah shared:
I think I hit the main things. I know I expressed to you Linda, this is a welcome connection. It is very clear from working with you that you bring expertise. Your world is no doubt always underwater and under pressure to deliver with communications. It is so great that you’ve been so willing to help out. We don’t have a communications person on our team, so I struggle to be able to do things without you. I really do appreciate your expertise, your willingness, and your can-do attitude.
Linda shared:
I'm truly grateful for Sarah's nomination and happily surprised by winning! It feels great to know that the relationships I'm building at U of G are serving to empower everyone involved to produce the highest quality work and put the university in the best light! Thank you so much!
Congrats Linda and thank you for all your GREAT work!
“G” Thanks! is a program within the GREAT at U of G initiative, focused on fostering gratitude, recognition, and appreciation at U of G. Each month, “G” Thanks! is open for nominations from the University community for faculty and staff who you want to appreciate, recognize, or show gratitude for.