
Negotiation Update - August 13, 2014

The University and the USW 4120 have met on six occasions to date, most recently  on August 5, 2014. With the assistance of a provincially appointed Conciliator, the parties were able to make significant progress on outstanding language issues. The parties have August 22nd and 26th scheduled to continue discussions aimed at achieving a renewal agreement. Given progress made on language, the University is now in a position to table its monetary proposal on the August 22, 2014.

Negotiation Update - July 15, 2014

The University and USW Local 4120, representing our administrative, clerical and technical staff on the main campus, have been in contract negotiations since June 16, 2014.  The current agreement expired April 30 2014.  The parties have met on three occasions, with an additional four dates scheduled in July and August. The tone of discussions has been encouraging and positive progress has been made on resolving a number of language issues.

Summer Hours

Effective Monday, June 2nd, 2014, where operationally feasible, the University will be functioning under the guidelines indicated in the Summer Hours Bulletin.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Staff Relations.

Total Compensation Statements delivered this week.

Human Resources is distributing the 2013 Total Compensation Statement for active regular full time staff and select contractually-limited employees.  These statements will be delivered to employees during the week of May 12th.

2014 Leave for Change Volunteers Announced

Eight members of the University of Guelph community have been selected to participate in Leave for Change for 2014-2015.

“It’s a program that continues to capture the imagination of University of Guelph staff and faculty,” said Martha Harley, Associate Vice-President (Human Resources).  “We received the highest number of applications since we first launched Leave for Change seven years ago.”

Build your Leadership Effectiveness - apply now!

Learning & Development, Human Resources is now accepting applications for Building Leadership Effectiveness (BLE), a two-day leadership development program for leaders and managers at U of G.  Alumni of this program have called it inspiring, valuable, and "the best workshop that I have participated in during my career at the University."

Apply now for Leave for Change!

Each year, the University of Guelph supports a number of staff and faculty members to volunteer in developing countries through the Leave for Change program, sharing their knowledge and skills with others in an international setting. 

Last year’s participants included:

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