
Be Aware of Phishing Scams related to your Employment

You may or may not have received and email today, June 5th, 2022 called “Warning message encrypted: Salary Increase Letter”. 

This email is not legitimate or from anyone in HR. Please do not open the attachment and delete the email. The CCS Security Office has been notified. 

To learn to better recognize phsishing and cybersecurity scams read UofG CCS resources including: 

Group Benefit Premium Rates

The University of Guelph has finalized the Group Benefit premium rates with Sun Life for the upcoming policy year starting May 1, 2022.  A notice with details for employees can be found at here.  We are pleased to advise that there will not be any premium rate changes for retirees.

The Day of Mourning - April 28, 2022

In 1984, the Canadian Labour Congress established April 28th as the National Day of Mourning in Canada to remember and honour those who have died, been injured or suffered illness in the workplace.

The University of Guelph will lower its flags to half-mast at noon on Thursday, April 28th to mark the Day of Mourning. Once the flags are lowered to half-mast, they will remain so until dusk.

2021 T4 and T4A Distribution

All T4 and T4A slips for the 2021 tax year will be sent to individuals' current address on file no later than February 28, 2022. 

For more information, including instructions on how to check and update your current address on file, please see the Human Resources website.

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