Radiation Monitoring

A radiation monitoring badge, or dosimeter, is the most common method of tracking how much radiation a worker is exposed to during a certain monitoring period. In general, badges/dosimeters are exchanged on a quarterly basis (every 3 months). The dosimetry program at the University of Guelph is managed by Environmental Health & Safety and the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).

Do I require a dosimeter?

Many of the sources utilized at the University require some level of radiation monitoring, you are required to apply for a dosimeter badge if you’re working with:

  • Gamma sources
  • High-energy beta emitters (e.g., P-32, Sr-89, Y-90, etc.)
  • Unshielded/open X-ray devices

How do I apply for a dosimeter badge?

Once you’ve completed the relevant and mandatory safety training (Radiation Safety and/or X-ray Safety) you may apply for a dosimeter badge:

  • Download and complete the Personal Dosimeter Badge Application Form
  • Submit the form to the EHS main office (Alexander Hall 162) or through fax (519-824-0362)
  • A personal dosimeter badge will be issued for the current monitoring period and you may begin work with radiation sources
  • Those working at the OVC Health Sciences Centre can obtain a dosimeter from the Radiology department. The Personal Dosimeter Badge Application Form will have to be submitted. Speak to your supervisor to find out how you can be issued a dosimeter.

Keeping Track of Dosimeter Badges

Personnel requiring dosimetry will be registered with the dosimetry service provider and be issued a personal badge. The dosimeter badge must be exchanged every three (3) months. If you no longer require a dosimeter because you no longer work with radiation sources requiring dosimetry, notify the RSO who will have you removed from the dosimetry service. If you will be on leave but returning to work with radiation sources, notify the RSO and your dosimeter use will be paused.

Please note the following dates for returning and ordering new badges:

Quarter Dates Order by (to have a personally labelled dosimeter, dosimeters can be obtained by the RSO or OVC Radiology at any time) Return By
Q1 January 1 – March 31 November 8 April 1, ideally, April 30 at the latest
Q2 April 1 – June 30 February 14 July 1, ideally, July 31 at the latest
Q3 July 1 – September 30 May 15 October 1, ideally, October 31 at the latest
Q4 October 1 - December 31 August 14 Upon return from the holiday break, January 31 at the latest

Note that dosimeters can be issued at any time, the order deadline is for having the dosimetry service include a dosimeter labelled with the individual’s name.

For more information on dosimetry please consult the Radiation Safety Manual or contact the RSO at: radsafe@uoguelph.ca / EHS Service Associate x53282