Please refer to Table of Contents entry for XII--Course Descriptions or the Index for page locations for courses by subject areas:
Each course is identified by a two-part code. The first part of the code refers to the subject area, the second to the level of the course. Thus, the course PSYC*3570 is a course in the subject area of Psychology (PSYC*XXXX), and is of a level that places it among courses in the 3000 series. The series 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 numbers are intended to indicate progressively more demanding content, and correspondingly increasing competence on the part of the students enrolled in the course. Courses in the 1000 series are mainly for first year students, those in the 2000 series are mainly for second year students, and those in the 3000 series are for third year students. Similarly, courses in the 4000 series are mainly intended to be taken by students in the fourth year of honours programs. It is important that students planning their courses have clearly in mind the significance of these numbers so that they may guard against undertaking course work at levels for which they are insufficiently prepared. A two-semester course (e.g. AGR*2351/2) is taken over 2 continuous semesters and counts as 1 course attempt per semester for classification, continuation of study and calculation of fees. Two-semester courses cannot be split.
The letters S, F, W indicate the University's intention to offer the course in the Spring (S), Fall (F) or Winter (W) semester during the academic year covered by this Calendar. Although courses normally will be offered in the semester indicated, students preparing their course programs are advised to consult the Undergraduate Course Timetable. The University cannot guarantee that all courses will be offered in the exact semester indicated. Where semester designations are not given students should consult the Undergraduate Course Timetable or contact the departments offering those courses to determine the semester offerings. The figures in parentheses ( ) following the semester designation are a general guide to the lecture and laboratory contact hours per week, the first digit being the number of lecture hours and the second, the number of laboratory hours. The credit weight for each course appears in brackets [ ]. A credit weight of [0.50] indicates 10-12 student effort hours, including class time, on academic tasks associated with the course.
Detailed course descriptions are maintained at the office of the department offering the course. Some courses, designated "Experiential Learning" courses in the Calendar description, are deliberately designed to accommodate the need to grant academic credit for experiential learning external to regular courses, in such contexts as co-operative education, field observation/job shadowing, internship/externships, practica, service learning, or work study (and other approved experience). Prior approval for admission to these courses must be obtained from the department and instructor concerned.
In lists of course prerequisites, "or" conditions are spelled out explicitly, but "and" conditions are indicated with a comma "," . For example: "CSTU*2270, FRHD*2010, NUTR*2010" means "CSTU*2270 and FRHD*2010 and NUTR*2010". A number of courses have stated prerequisites which are prior requirements for entry to the course. Students who do not satisfy course prerequisites, or who in the opinion of the instructor do not possess an equivalent background to that of the stated prerequisites, are not eligible to enroll in the course. When some specific background is desirable but not required, the course description will include a statement of recommended background. It is understood that the instructor may accept equivalent courses from other institutions in place of the stated prerequisites. Students who wish to enroll in courses for which they do not have the stated prerequisite(s) must obtain instructor approval as outlined in Section VIII, Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures, in this Calendar.
Course Equates, Exclusions and Restrictions
Equates - Equate indicates a course identical to the one under which it is listed. The course may have been re-numbered or may be cross-listed under two subject areas. Students will not be permitted to register in equated courses.
Exclusions - Exclusion indicates a course with content similar or identical to the course under which it is listed so that both courses cannot be taken for credit. Exclusions are being replaced by equated courses and course restrictions.
Restrictions - Restriction indicates sufficient over-lap in content that the course under which it is listed may not be taken if the student already has credit for the course identified as the restriction. Students will not be permitted to register in restricted courses.