The Research Services Office encourages members of the University of Guelph research community to become reviewers for Tri-Agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC), with the aim of increasing our local expertise on evaluation criteria/processes, and ultimately, our success rates in major funding competitions.

It is recommended that potential reviewers plan their service on a committee to align with their grant renewal/application dates. For example, reviewers should plan for their service end date to coincide with the year in which their grant is up for renewal (or they intend to make a new application). This way, applicants can make the best of the information they glean from their experience on the committee.

The Research Services Office maintains records of University of Guelph researchers’ service on Tri-Agency review committees or evaluation groups. If you are currently serving in this capacity, please contact Carolyn Osborn, Director, Research Support Services with your name, committee name/number, and term start/end dates.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

CIHR's FAQs for its College of Reviewers imply that there will soon be a means by which institutions can nominate members. CIHR has confirmed a process will be in place within several months’ time (from August 2015). For more information, contact CIHR.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

NSERC invites the Canadian research community to submit the names of individuals for possible service on its program-related standing committees and its various selection committees and panels. See NSERC's website for more information, guidance on the nomination process, and the nomination form (Form 250, “Nomination of Members for NSERC Committees”).

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

SSHRC is constantly seeking out reviewers who represent the diversity in the social sciences and humanities research community. See SSHRC's website for more information on the reviewer roles available (External Reviewers, Committee Members, Committee Chairs) and research/ related expertise required for each role. To become a reviewer, contact SSHRC.