Past Events

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Being while Doing: Contemplating Mindfulness at Work

MindU Well is hosting a free online webinar and registration is available through their website: Dr. Darren Good will join MindWell-U’s Geoff Soloway to discuss:​​ Mechanisms and Benefits of Mindfulness in the workplace  Mindful mode vs. Thinking mode at work Integration & Impact of training​

RBC Lunch & Learn- Investing in Real Estate

For this session, we will partner with a local Real Estate Expert. Investing in real estate is an exciting proposition for many people who value their own homeownership. Most people associate the word real estate with their own home or possibly with a vacation property. But a residential real estate rental property can be a viable investment opportunity for many people – and you don’t need to be a million-dollar real estate mogul to get started.

Drop-in Labyrinth Instruction

Labyrinth walking is an ancient form of contemplative practice, used in a variety of cultures and faith traditions. The labyrinth invites you to walk a concentric walking path that leads to a central focal point, rich in various symbolic meanings.  There are no tricks in a labyrinth, no dead-ends or choices to make… just space to quiet the mind, check in with your body, and open yourself to the meaning that surrounds you at all times.

Tour UofG's Produce Facility & Bake Shop

Back by popular demand! Join a U of G sous chef and a baker at Creelman Hall for an exclusive tour of the food processing room and the bakeshop.

Wellness Friday- Improving Workplace Communications

Successful work groups are comprised of individuals who know how to communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders in a variety of settings and circumstances. This session will review the key skills that enhance our ability to work well with others by providing information about speaking confidently and assertively, creating a supportive communication climate, listening effectively, and asking clear questions. Facilitator: Homewood Health

Nourish: A Self-Compassion Workshop

Self-care and self-compassion seem to be very present topics in today’s world, but do we really know that they mean? In this workshop, we discuss the definition of self-compassion, explore its elements and complexities. To deepen this exploration, we will engage in a creative art activity that serves as a practical way to incorporate self-compassion into your life. Schedule this hour for yourself to say yes to treating yourself with more compassion and care. Absolutely no art experience is required. Feel free to bring along your lunch or snacks. 

Coaching & Communicating for Performance #2

Watch a video testimonial from former Coaching and Communicating for Performance participants at Coaching & Communicating for Performance is a highly interactive program that provides supervisors and managers the opportunity to build skills that will enable them to share expectations and set objectives for employees, provide constructive feedback, more effectively engage in learning conversations, and coaching opportunities.

Power Hour: Winter Comfort Food

Learn how to make the most out of one hour in your kitchen.  This whole food focused workshop is filled with the tips and tricks you need to make multiple healthy recipes in just one hour. You'll sample some delicious food, take home a full list of instructions and find all of the inspiration you need! Please register here.

1Day Stand to Go Smoke-Free

Join with friends and colleagues across campus – and institutions across Ontario – in a 1Day Stand on Nov. 14. On March 20:

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